The Decision

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Cue awkward laughter. Did I just hear her right? "Did you just nonchalantly tell me that you're a witch?"

She threw a big fuzzy blanket over herself and shoved a handful of chips in her mouth. "Maybe, maybe not."

"I don't know whether to be super excited and ask you a million questions or to run out of the house like a lunatic. To be honest I really don't know much or pretty much anything at all about witches. Did you get a letter in the mail when you were eleven inviting you to an elite school for magic folk?!"

Steph let out a small snort, which ended up with her almost choking on her chips. After clearing her throat and taking a swig of soda she looked towards me. "Hardy har har. Hate to tell you but Harry Potter has nothing on me. Being a witch actually runs in my family and it's not anything like you see in movies. There are good witches and bad, some who use white magic and others who use black magic."

"And which type do you classify yourself as?" Here we go. The moment of truth whether or not I decided to haul ass out of here. Would I need to call an uber to come pick me up? I don't think the buses ran this late, or even had a stop anywhere around here. I had been planning on actively avoiding the text my stepdad had sent and acting like I never saw it. Maybe, I'd be courteous and text my mom letting her know I was staying the night at a friends house. Not that I think they'd even notice.

"I dabble in both sides. Black magic isn't necessarily evil though; it's just normally used with a specific purpose in mind. But no one kind of magic is 'bad' or 'good.' It's not that simple. It's all about the power you want to attract and the magic you want to conjure."

I could see the honesty in her eyes. It made perfect sense, like most things in life there was always a balance of some sort. Good and evil, yin and yang, light and dark, God and the Devil. It was always the grey area in the middle that made me think though. What became of those who walked the fine line in-between?

After noticing my prolonged silence Steph spoke up, "I hope this doesn't change how you see me. I promise I'm not some crazy wicked witch of the west who will cast some wacky spell on you that'll turn you into a frog. I actually wanted to talk to you about an idea I had in regards to your step-douche. I've only seen a glimpse of the way he treats you and after what you did for me today I want to help you out."

My heart clenched at the mention of him. I hadn't even told her everything that the poor excuse for a human had done to me. Was I willing to get myself wrapped up in some harebrained idea she might have? "What exactly do you have in mind?"

Steph turned her whole body towards me to show I had her undivided attention. "Okay, so in my coven, I've heard stories about other witches who have used magic and certain rituals to take care of their...unwanted problems. Now I'm not one hundred percent sure it works, but if you're sure that this is what you want to do, I'd be willing to try."

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