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October 1984

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October 1984

It was 5 Am the sun was barely shinning, the sky was this pink/orange color that I loved, I always loved the stillness of the morning only the birds chirping, teens and kids still in bed only to head to school at 8 Am, I lit up a joint relaxing as I inhaled the smoke.

Watching the sunrise was something that could never tire me and I like the idea of relaxation and quietness before I had to deal with complete and utter bullshit and for someone who was "Queen" of Hawkins High I got bullshit on the daily.

There was a knock on my door around 7 , I had just finished getting dressed when Dustin shouted "Hey wake up!" I loved my little brother but he could be a little annoying at times "I am up you shit head just meet me at the car" I said back snorting a bit when I heard him giggle.

I smiled grabbing my school bag and my pack of smokes that mainly had cigs and pre rolled joints, I got into the car driving off.

As I pulled into the school parking lot I lit up a cigarette, I gotta slow down on the smoking I thought to myself  "Bye Danica, I wouldn't wanna tell mom about your horrible smoking habits and how your gonna get lung cancer at a young age" Dustin said about to head out the car I thought is he serious right now.

"Do that and i'll run over your bike with this car and not drive you anywhere anymore and you'll just have to walk from place to place" I said with a smirk on my face "NO! please don't" Dustin begged as he hugged me, "Go before you're late squirt" I said as I ruffled his curls.

I watched as he ran to the middle school across the lot, I got out the car cigarette between my fingers I was in a small daze as I waited for Steve to pull into the parking lot only to be interrupted by loud music blaring from a blue Camaro, Rock You Like a Hurricane playing.

All eyes were on him including mine. He was fairly attractive his brown/blonde hair in a mullet, his eyes were blue like the fucking ocean and anyone with a pair of eyes could tell he took care of his body.

I already had him figured out he was a pretty face with a pretty car looking for a pretty girl to lay, "Like what you see?" He asked in a cocky manner, I didnt even blink my expression solid "I'm still debating" I responded he huffed out a laugh "Do you need help deciding? I can spin around for you" he exclaimed spinning around giving me another look at his great ass.

I pushed off my car "You're alright" I spoke, the blue eyed bad boy had opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Steve calling me "Dani!" he yelled "See you around Cali" I said looking at his license plate winking at him as I began walking over to Steve at the front entrance.

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