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I sighed as I sat in my car, the school parking lot filling with teens little by little, smoke flowing out my mouth. Dustin already at the middle school.

Butterflies filled my stomach as I heard the loud music playing and tires screeching knowing exactly who it was pulling into the school parking lot. His car parking next to mine our eyes meeting for a brief second as I stepped out my car. Max running to me as we engulfed into a hug, "Get to class MadMax" I spoke ruffling her hair she smiled getting on her skateboard skating over to the middle school.

My eyes met Billy's a smirk playing on his lips, I knew he was thinking about our time together, I blushed looking down at the ground. "Sooo" he spoke spinning his keys on his finger, I looked up our eyes locking, his blue eyes so intense.

I walked over to him our lips colliding, his fingers getting lost in my curls. His hands went to my waist pulling me close as the kiss grew more heated.

"Slow down" I spoke pulling away, both of us out of breath, I laid my forehead against his, my eyes closed.

I looked around making sure no one saw, I didnt know what we were and to be labeled queen of Hawkins High I didn't want the whole school knowing and conjuring up lies of what they thought we were. At the moment we were just two people who shared affectionate moments together.

"Let's get out of here" Billy spoke his arms still wrapped around me. I smiled nodding, we got in his car "Where are we going?" I asked, he looked at me placing a cigarette between his lips, "Somewhere special" He said pulling out of the school parking lot.
I giggled slightly "So this is a date?" I questioned causing Billy to smile "Maybe."


I drove for about an hour or so, driving towards the outskirts of hawkins. I stole a-couple of glances at Danica noticing the little things she did, like twirl her hair and bit her lip when she was deep in thought.

I noticed how green her eyes were and how they would change to hazel or hazel with green, She was beautiful. She caught my gaze a slight giggle slipping past her lips, "Eyes on the rode" she spoke as she lit up a joint, her sweet voice ringing through my ears.

I liked this girl, man did I really like her.

I parked the car, the quarry coming into view, Danica looked at me a wide smile on her face. As we got out the car, we both stared out into the distance watching at the water shimmered in small movements.

"What is this place?" She questioned sitting on the hood of my Camaro, "My place I guess. I come here when I need to get away." I spoke getting in-between her legs "Now you can have it too whenever you need it" I added she smiled wrapping her arms around me "Is that so" she spoke "Yea" I whispered peppering kisses onto her neck and lastly kissing her lips.

She giggled as I picked her up but when she realized we were heading to the water she screamed with protests, I chuckled as I tossed her in. Danica submerged from the water laughing as she splashed me, "You're gonna get it" she spoke as she jumped on me causing me to fall in.


I woke up when It was dark out the stars shinning in the sky, a blanket covering Billy and I, his eyes closed, and his arm around me. "Billy" I whispered in his ear earning a groan from him "We fell asleep" I spoke shaking him lightly.

Billy sat up, looked around and sighed. "He's gonna kill me" he spoke hoping off his car, a confused look on my face as I followed his movements getting into the car. "Who?" I asked concern laced in my voice, Billy turned to me before speaking "You don't wanna know babe" he spoke putting the car in drive. I looked out the window my fingers lacing with his, he was nervous I could tell but he relaxed a bit throughout the ride.

"Thanks for showing me your special place" I spoke kissing his cheek, Billy gave me a look grabbing my face and kissing me on the lips "I've made you orgasm at least four times already are you really kissing me on the cheek" he spoke. I choked on my spit causing him to chuckle, "I'll see you tomorrow Cali" I said rolling my eyes getting out the car "Byee Danica" he teased "Hey, I'm picking you up tomorrow" he added causing me to stop in my track's, I smiled to myself as I continued to my front door.

Filler chapter guys! I figured why not add something cute before more shit hits the fan 😭

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