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Part Two

I entered Tommys house already earning stares from students at my school, some already to out of it to even notice me. I swiped a bottle of jack from his father supply in the kitchen taking a couple of gulps hoping to get drunk faster. I drank and drank finally reaching to where I wanted to be buzzed, really buzzed. I giggled hiccuping and I got on-top of the kitchen counter dancing as teens cheered me on.

"I'm Danica Fucking Henderson!" I screamed earning a louder cheer.

I felt myself get picked up carrying me to the sofa and sitting me down, "Oh hey johnny" I spoke ruffling his hair causing him to laugh "Hey Dani, What's going on?" He questioned noticing how drunk I was. I'm never this drunk at parties I like to be more alert of my surroundings. I sighed burping causing Jonathan to crack a smile . "My dad's back, I guess he wants to be a family again or something. I got accepted into a school in New York, Just to ya know see if i'd get in nothing serious. My mom thinks this is my way of being closer to him. It's not, I just wanted to go to school in New York." I blabbered


"And he's a fucking parent Jonathan he left like it was a vacation" I spat causing Jonathan to give me a soft look. "It's just not a good time to pop right in ya know. It's bad enough with this break up with Billy and now Steve admitting his feelings for me" I just have to much going on already and to have something added is - "

"Scary" He finished off for me I nodded my head answering him. "Well I think you should do what is best for you, what your heart really wants you to do wether if its going to New York for school and develop a relationship with your dad, if you want to of course. Or deciding on if you want to be with Billy or Steve." He finished noticing my drunk zoned out state, he just patted me on the shoulder smiling.

My head turned to a commotion going on outside. Jonathan and I being nosey decided to go check it out but I instantly regretted it when I saw Billy and that blonde girl thats been with him, I guessed that this was something serious between them. I watched them and she threw her head back laughing at something Billy had said, the same laugh that laughed at Billys heartbreaking joke about our intimate times.

I got up walking over to them. I mainly saw red and anger pumped through my system, "Danica" Jonathan called out as he noticed where I was going but I ignored him. "Danica" Billy spoke softly noticing what I was about to do. He tried grabbing me but failed as I quickly moved grabbing onto the girls hair dragging her down to the floor, She screamed in pain as I pulled her dragging her towards the front door. The whole house watching as I dragged this girl out, "Danica let her go" Jonathan spoke trying to grab onto me but I shrugged him off.

I felt myself being lifted up, the girl crying on the floor as I noticed her holding her head. A huge chunk of hair balled in my fist. I kicked and screamed hitting the persons back as I was taken upstairs to one of the rooms. Being thrown on the bed only to come face to face with a furious Billy.

"What the hell is wrong with you Danica!?" He scolded causing me to giggle still drunk out my mind Billy shook his head rubbing his face with his hands. "I'm sorry did I hurt your girlfriend?" I joked causing him to step to me both of us in each other faces, "She's not my girlfriend" 

I rolled my eyes walking over towards the door only to be pulled back being shoved into a wall. "Look I love you! But you wont take me back what am I suppose to do!" 

 "You don't move on!" I cried

"I haven't moved on!" He yelled punching the wall causing me to flinch closing my eyes. Billy leaned his forehead on mine saying a small "Sorry" noticing that he had scared me. We seemed to have stayed in that position for awhile just finding comfort in being close. "I love you, How many times do you want me to say it? Hundred?, Thousand? i'll say it." He spoke as his thumb caressed my cheek "Just leave me alone Billy" I spoke quickly wiping away a stray tear.

"Why do you have to be so complicated Danica?" He questioned grabbing my hands but I snatched them away from him. My heart wanting to forgive him but my stubbornness wouldn't let me.

"Okay" Billy spoke letting me go, he placed a kiss on my forehead before opening the door to leave. He paused for a minute just standing in the door way before closing the door and walking back over to me "I don't know when's the next time i'm going to do this" He spoke grabbing my face and crashing his lips to mine. I moaned as the kiss became more heated, his hands lifting my shirt up a bit. He lifted me up going over to the bed, "Just one more time" He whispered against my lips. I nodded my head as I unbuttoned his shirt. We made love, not our usual fast paced sexual encounters. We made actual love.

I already knew my decision. After a meeting with principle Hemming's and talking him into giving me my diploma early instead of having to wait for graduation day, he allowed it wishing me the best of luck. I spoke to Jonathan, him helping me make a small video for both Steve and Billy to watch together, and I knew they would because the both loved me. Lastly I spoke to my dad, we're working on our relationship. My decision to go to New York was mainly for me. I needed a fresh start out of Hawkins.

"You'll call me when you get there?" My mother spoke as she helped me with my bags "Yes mom" I groaned as this was her fifth time asking me. "Sorry sweetie I just worry" she cried causing me to roll my eyes playfully "You're forgetting that Christopher Henderson is my father" I joked knowing she would get it. This made my mother smile warping her arms around me, "You can come home anytime"

"Mom I have to go" I squeaked as she squeezed me smiling and giving me a kiss one last time before shuffling into the house.

"I'll take care of her" Dustin spoke handing me another one of my bags, "Thanks" I sighed pulling my brother in for a hug. "We'll be okay" He spoke and I nodded ruffling his hair getting in my car. "Take care of the boys and Max, Stay out of trouble please"

"No promises on staying out of trouble"  He joked causing me to laugh blowing him a kiss as I started up my car driving off.

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now