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I laid in my bed watching sad movies. The same position for a week. Popcorn and sad movies blowing my nose and wiping my tears. The was a knock on my door and in came Nancy, Nancy has been come over trying to cheer me up and keep me company.

"We're going out tonight" she spoke throwing her bag on my bed

"No" I spoke putting the volume up on my TV

"Look I was the same way when Steve and I broke up but you're different. You're Danica Henderson people see you as the queen of Hawkins High! Are you really gonna let Billy break your heart like this?" Nancy spoke as she turned off my TV sitting next to me.

"Yes" I spoke as I covered my face with my blanket

"No!" Nancy exclaimed as she ripped the covers off my body I groaned saying a "Fine" as I got up to shower. The hot water fell onto my skin relaxing my muscles even my fucking shower reminded me of him, Moments that we've had.

"You asleep there?" Billy asked as we sat in the bath, me in between his legs as he lathered my hair with shampoo. "Maybe" I responded earning a chuckle from him I felt his fingers on my neck play with the B letter chain he gave me than his lips replaced them. "Did I ever tell you how much I loved you?" He questioned kissing my neck earning a small moan.

"Oh baby I'm gonna take care of you" he spoke as I began to fell his length become hard a smirk played on my lips as I turned to kiss him.

Tears started to fall from my eyes and I took that moment to cry my eyes out sobs coming from my mouth, I wanted to scream because all I felt was pain in my heart and this pain was all to familiar. The same pain I felt when my father left. I sighed as I stepped out the shower my hair curly from the water.

"feel better?" Nancy asked I nodded my head in response

"you're wearing this" she spoke placing a short dress on my bed

"No way"

"Danica you need to get back out there I'm not saying to date anyone but you can occupy your time with them." As much as I hated to admit it she was right, I shouldn't let this break up define me. I sighed getting dressed I wasn't in a party mood but taking a look at my self in the mirror I would say I look great. I took a deep breath grabbing my leather incase I got cold, a pack of pre rolled joints and my keys going down to meet Nancy at my car.

"You look hot, now lets go"

"And where are we going?" I asked driving off down the rode  "Tina's" she spoke causing me to stop my car "What!"

"Come on, He's gonna be there"

"Exactly I've been avoiding him and I still wanna avoid him Nanc"

Nancy grabbed my hands giving me a soft look "I know it hurts but you can't avoid him forever, Hawkins Is a small town your going to see him. Just show him what he's been missing for the past week, You're Danica fucking Henderson." she spoke causing me to giggle and I started my car "I'm Danica fucking Henderson" I spoke driving off down the rode to Tina's house.

When we got to the Tina's her house was already crowded with kids from school. Nancy and I went into the house I quickly went grab a drink knowing full well Billy was here, I needed a drink in order to deal with him right now.

"Well look who decided to come out of bed"

"Hey Steveie" I spoke wrapping my arms around him

"How you feeling baby girl" Steve spoke walking me through the house Nancy already occupied with Jonathan.

"I'm okay" I spoke but that was a lie I wasn't okay, I was nowhere near okay.

"Well I hope you're okay enough to deal with him now" Steve spoke I turned my head to the direction he was staring towards Billy coming into view. He was with his usual group of guy friends but there was one girl I've seen her around she was new and she was in a grade below us. she was pretty.

"Oh god" I spoke as I grabbed another drink, I chugged it quickly turning my head when I heard his voice.

"Danica Henderson" I closed my eyes and I felt a stab in my heart. I looked up my eyes meeting his than looking over to his arm as it  laid around the girls shoulder. Another stab in my heart. Each time I looked at him I felt it. That heartbreak that no one wants to experience.

"Cali" I spoke and there I saw it. He shifted a little bit at the sound of his nickname. Was he hurt too? "No, He broke up with me" I thought.

"We missed you at school today and yesterday" he spoke a smug look on his face as he basically made fun of my broken heart, his friends laughing .

"Screw you Hargrove" I spat turning away from him about to walk away when I heard

"Already did. Don't you remember? In the back seat of my car" He spoke causing me to freeze in place this time I heard the girl giggle. I turned around going after her, my fingers wrapping around her neck but quickly being removed Steve grabbing me pulling me back.

"I hate you!" I screamed tears falling from my eyes as I pushed him away from me. I pushed and pushed as he laughed at me. Billy grabbed my hands holding me in place, "it's good to know how to get under your skin" he spoke. I pulled away from him and scoffed watching as he walked away from me. My heart breaking once again.

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now