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I dreaded going to school today especially after the fight with Billy at Tina's party. I sat by my window smoking a joint relaxing as the smoke flowed out my mouth. There was a knock on my door causing me to put out my joint walking over to my door, my brother Dustin standing there, his school bag in hand.

"Hey" he spoke


"Can you drive me to school?" he asked playing with his hands I smiled ruffling his curls

"Get to the car, I'll be down in a minute" I spoke watching as he slung his bag over his shoulders running to my car. I grabbed by school bag shoving my books in taking another look in the mirror. I had on a dress that was probably a bit too short for my liking but it was fine, my hair still curled from last night. I sighed not ready to face him again.

"What's going on with you?" Dustin asked and I figured he noticed I haven't been out of my room in a week. "Did that asshole do something?" he questioned making my heart crack a smile at how cute it was for my little brother to act so tough even though Billy was half his size.

"Don't worry about me bud" I spoke being interrupted by Steve opening my car door. I looked up at him smiling as he grabbed my hand pulling me into a hug, his arms wrapping around my waist tightly . Dustin getting out of the car looking at us weirdly.

"for real what's going on?" he asked again Steve now coming up with an answer to give him "Adult stuff buddy sorry" he spoke ruffling his curls Dustin slapping his hand away saying a small "Whatever" as he ran off to find his friends.

"How was it when I was gone?" I asked as Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"Eh it's better now" He spoke making me laugh but that stopped once I saw Billy with the same girl from last night making out right next to my locker, My heart dropped but I wouldn't dare let him see how much he hurt me again. I walked over to them Steve hot on my heels following me, students noticing the direction I was walking in ready to see how this would play out. I got to my locker opening it glancing at Billy and the slut as the continued on like I wasn't even there. I grabbed my things slamming my locker causing them to break apart.

Billy's eyes flickered over me licking his lips as he looked at me up and down, taking in what I was wearing, our eyes finally meeting. His eyes soft but when they looked over to Steve I saw fire in them. "Well look who finally came back" Billy teased

"Nice to see you too Cali" I spoke my heart fluttering when heard him chuckle

"Still being Harrington's bitch I see" He spat causing me to flinch I opened my mouth to speak as he turned around to leave Steve pushing him causing him to trip. Billy grabbed Steve pushing him up against some lockers. I looked around seeing a circle of students watching this unfold.

"Do you want to die Harrington?" Billy spat as Steve shoved him away

"She's not your damn property Hargrove" Steve spat getting into his face. they were toe to toe, in each others face.

"Stop" I spoke both boy's not hearing me as they continued to argue

"You didn't care about her when that rumor spread! You didn't wanna hear shit from her" Steve spoke

"You don't know shit about her." Billy spoke pushed Steve back

"No, you don't" Steve spat back

"Stop!" I yelled causing the two to break apart. tears running down my cheeks as I shook my head at them turning my back to them walking out the school.


"I got this" I spoke as I pushed past Harrington following Danica. I hated myself I should've believed my girl. Danica would never cheat on me. "Why am I such a dick" I said to myself as I followed her to her car.

"Dani" I said trying to catch her attention but she just continued walking not even looking back.

"Danica!" I yelled my tone causing her to freeze in place as she grabbed her car door handle. I grabbed her hand but she flinched away from me.

"Baby please look at me" I spoke causing her to look at me with hate in her eyes. I loved her, I don't know why I was so dumb, "Don't call me baby" She spat. I sighed grabbing her hands which she tried to fight but my strength wouldn't let her break free.

"Leave me alone Billy, don't you need to get back to your girlfriend?" she spat at me still fighting to break free.

"You're cute when your mad" I teased grabbing her by the waist pulling her towards me. "Billy" she said lowly as I lowered my face to her's my eyes set on her lips but she turned her head causing me to kiss her cheek.

"I can't"

"Yes you can. I'm so sorry Danica" I spoke grabbing her face as my thumb caressed her cheek.

"Why didn't you believe me?" she asked a tear rolling down her cheek I sighed looking into her eyes. I was scared, I didn't want to admit it but I was. I worked hard to get my girl and I was gonna have to work even harder to get her back.

"I don't know" I spoke

"You don't know, hm okay" she said opening her car door causing me to slam it shut

"I was scared Danica! Is that what you want to fucking hear!" I spat causing Danica to cross her arms over her chest clearly annoyed with me, "Scared of what?" she questioned.

"Of getting my heart broken" I said this made her scoff and move away from me

"Yea except you broke mines" Danica spoke opening her car door again about to climb in when I grabbed her hand turning her around pulling her to me my lips crashed to her's. Danica's eyes opened widely as she tried pushing me away but I wouldn't budge, My hands moving to her ass as I picked her up placing her on the hood of her car. Forcing her legs open so I could fit in-between them. I want my girl back, I needed her back. My stupid anger and thoughts getting the best of me ruining something special.

Danica eventually broke free from my grip her hand stinging my cheek, we both stood there breathing heavily from the kiss. Was this it? Was this the actual end of our relationship. I shifted to her a bit , hands going to grab her's "Don't!" she yelled slapping my hands away. Danica looked at me, green eyes meeting my blue ones, she shook her head climbing into her car driving off while I stood in the school parking lot knowing this was the end for us.

This chap is actually edited lol, for real tho I never edit my chapters which is super bad and I should really start. Also I know there's a kind of love triangle between Steve, Billy and Danica I'm just unsure if I want her to pursue something with Steve. Maybe there will be a Steve chap about his feelings for her but I'm still unsure if I want them to have an actual thing other than their friendship.

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