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When I got home I started rummaging through my closet to see what I could find that could be a potential halloween costume. All I could find was a baby blue dress and red converse, I sighed as I already knew this wasn't the look I was going for but sucked it up anyway "Guess i'm Dorthy tonight"  I said as I looked at my cat mews.

I got dressed, taking a look at myself in the mirror. I was hot the blue dress was way shorter than I expected and my red converse weren't that bad either. I let my hair air dry since I loved the way my curls looked when it did, applying a small amount of make up.

Going downstairs I was greeted by my mother already snapping photos of Dustin and I "ohhhhh look how cute you guys look" she said as she pinched Dustin and I's cheek, "Momm" we said in unison.

She probably took about hundred pictures of us, I just stood still while Dustin posed in his Ghost Busters costume, "Okay mom we have to go" I exclaimed as she kissed us on the cheek. I rushed Dustin out the door, "Stay with each other!" my mother yelled as we both hopped in my car driving off.

I drove him over to the Wheelers house seeing the boys already outside, "Look squirt i'm letting you go on your own I've got a party to get to, just stay together and please don't do anything dumb" I said as I ruffled my little brothers hair. "Fuck yes! thanks Dani" he said hugging me and getting out of my car rushing over to the other boys who were all dressed up as the Ghost Busters crew, I laughed at how nerdy they could be.

When I got to Tina's the party was in full affect everyone was drunk and boy did I feel bad for Tina because the house and yard were trashed completely.

I spotted Jonathan looking ever so awkward in the corner. Remembering parties weren't his thing I was about to walk over to him to keep him company when I was stopped by my former friend Tommy H, "Hey Tom" I spoke his old nickname slipping out my mouth, I saw a flash of sadness in his eyes but that quickly went away.

"Well look who it is, it's bow-peep where's your sheep?" Tommy asked as he took a look at my costume "I'm Dorthy you stupid fuck" I said causing his friends to laugh at him, I walked around getting a drink from the spiked punch wondering when Steve would get here when my thoughts were interrupted by a crowd of teens around the keg stand as they chanted "Chug chug chug chug!" I figured it was Steve trying to get a higher keg record but when the person got up Tommy H screamed, "Looks like we got a new Keg King!" Everyone cheered, I smirked as I saw Billy was the one to beat Steve's record.

"Well look who it is, it's bow-peep where's your sheep?" Tommy asked as he took a look at my costume "I'm Dorthy you stupid fuck" I said causing his friends to laugh at him, I walked around getting a drink from the spiked punch wondering when Stev...

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"Dorthy, aren't you cute" Billy spoke his usual cocky tone clinging to his words, I slapped his hand away as he was about to pinch my cheek, " Feisty are we" He spoke his stupid smirk on his face.

I wasn't going to let him bask in all his glory and rub this into Steve's face. I walked up to the keg stand "help me out will you boys?" I asked as the boys looked at me in disbelief. I turned around winking at Billy as he watched me. I did a hand stand grabbing the nozzle and began chugging the alcoholic substance, everyone around me cheered as I began to beat Billys record, I got down wiping my mouth.

My eyes stopped on Billy who was slack jawed, his mesmerizing blue eyes wide. His friends were going crazy around him, but he was completely still. "Looks like we have a new Keg Queen!" someone from the crowd shouted.

I approached him with a smug smile, "I wasn't going to let you take all the glory" I spoke as he huffed out an amused laugh, taking a cigarette putting it to his lips, I rolled my eyes but then heard something familiar. Should I Stay or Should I Go started blasting inside, making my entire body began to tingle.

He must've seen the change in my demeanor, because he smirked at me, whispering into my ear, "Dance with me?" He questioned I looked at him and smiled as he grabbed my hand leading me to the dance floor. I sung my lungs out, swaying my hips, Billy's hands moved from my hips as he grabbed my hands and started spinning me around. I started giggling he was laughing too, and for the first time it seemed genuine, not his usual cocky self.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close I stared into his blue eyes, those were my weakness those fucking ocean blue eyes, I was mesmerized.

He started to lean in staring at my lips. But I was distracted by Steve storming out of the house, I blinked a couple of times putting my hands on Billys chest stopping him, " I have to go" I said leaving him in the middle of the dance floor going after Steve.

Poor Steve, We love Steve!

It gets a little spicy soon guys☺️

Also just wanted to say thanks for the views and votes! Its not a lot but for my first fanfic i'm grateful people are actually reading it. so thank you guys it means a lot ❤️

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