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Word vomit, that's exactly what it was. There was this awkward silence surrounding us and I literally wish I could replay this moment and take back my words. We've only known each other for a couple of months.

"You're so stupid" I thought.

"How could you be so dumb" I also thought.

Billy opened his mouth to say something but shut it maybe hoping he wouldn't say the wrong thing. "I'm sorry, I should've never said that." I spoke hoping that apologizing would just drop the subject.

"Thanks for the gift, I really like it" I spoke earning a nod from him.

I began to walk away back to Steve's house but Billy pulled me back, his lips immediately colliding with mine. It was sweet, different from the other kisses we shared.

"No one has told me that before" he spoke

"It's okay" I responded pecking his lips. I watched as he got into his car, winking at me as he drove off a smile immediately appearing on my face as I shook my head heading back in.


I stared at the ceiling thinking about the events that occurred before. Danica's words replaying in my head "I love you"  I sighed as I sat up "Why didn't I say it back?" I asked myself, but I knew why. I was scared. Scared shitless but also scared of ruining what we have.

"Billy!" my father barged into my room I sat up to greet him "What?" I asked annoyance laced in my words. Neil crossed his arms over his chest, "Where's Max?" He questioned.

"She's out with her friends"

"It's late and you should be with her" he spoke causing me to scoff, "I'm not her god damn chauffeur and she's fourteen why does she need a babysitter anyhow" I argued only to feel a sting on my cheek, I got up pushing Neil to the wall my vision turning red. Every time I pulled my fist back it was bloody same as his.

"Stop it!" I heard but I couldn't, I just couldn't

Scrams and pleads rang through my ears finally realizing it was Susan I stopped, pulling away. I looked down at my father his nose bloody and broken. Taking a look in the mirror my face was bloody, cut above my brow, split lip and a black eye. I grabbed my leather pushing past susan as she tended to my father. I heard her yell my name but I ignored her getting into my car and driving off.

I threw back my shot of whisky signaling to the bartender for another. My thoughts got the best of me and all my mind did was think about Danica.

"So I got this girl" I slurred

"Don't we all" the bartender said sarcastically causing me to chuckle

"Yea well she told me she loved me" I slurred a stupid grin on my face, "So what's the problem than?" He asked

"I didn't say it back"

The bartender made a face and gave me a pat on the back "You must be new to relationships. There complicated buddy but when they say it, say something not nothing" He stated causing me to sigh grabbing another shot from him completely losing count. I raised my glass to him "Thanks for the advice" I slurred toasting to him.

I stumbled out of the bar to my car, drinking and driving wasn't the best idea but I had to get to her.

I sped down the rode my music blaring, my tires screeching to a halt as I parked in front of her house. all the lights were out. I stepped out if my car gazing up at her window, picking up pebbles and throwing them at her window. I watched as she opened her window her tan skin glowing in the moon light and the wind slightly blowing her hair.

"What are you doing here Cali?" She questioned and my heart skipped a beat just hearing my nickname roll off her tongue.

"I needed to see you" I slurred mentally scolding myself for showing up drunk. She sighed the disappointment clear on her face.

"Give me a minute" she spoke moving away from the window. I walked over to the door as she opened it, her satin pajama shorts and top hugging her body. My mouth went dry as I looked at her, her scent pulling me in. Vanilla and coconut being my favorite now.

"Billy" she sighed as her fingers gently traced my cut and bruised face, "Was this your father again?" She asked but I took her hands and kissed them, "I don't wanna talk about him right now" I spoke grabbing her and colliding my lips to her's. Danica's arms wrapped around my neck as I picked her up in one swift movement, her legs wrapping around me as I kicked the door shut.

I made my way upstairs with her as I devoured her sweet lips, finally reaching her room and kicking the door shut I laid her on her bed. My lips moved down her neck nipping at it as she moaned out, her fingers moved to my jacket pushing it off, than moving to my shirt pulling it off.

My lips moved down to her chest, lowering her satin top giving a peck to her breast. I pulled off her top and made my assault on her breast taking each nipple in my mouth, low moans spilling past her lips as her fingers attached themselves in my hair.

I kissed down her stomach grabbing onto her shorts and underwear pulling them down, kissing down to her clit. She covers her mouth to control her moans as they grew louder. I licked and sucked pushing her over the edge, two fingers entering her, stretching her out. My hands moved down to my pants unbuttoning them and pushing them down with my boxers. I grabbed my length pumping it a bit as I pushed into her, her legs wrapped around me tighter.

I couldn't get enough of her. I loved the way she felt, she was so wet and warm and if it was possible I wanted more of her. I rolled us around so she was on top now, my hands grasping her hips as she rode me.

"Shit" I groaned as she picked up her pace, rolling her hips as my grip tightened. I lifted her up a bit pulling out so I wouldn't cum. I got Danica on her hands and knees and entered her from behind grabbing hold of her hair as I trusted in and out of her. My pace picking up as I rutted my hips harder and faster.

"Billy i'm gonna cum" she moaned out, I could feel her clench around me, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as I gripped her hips possibly bruising them. "Fuck" I spoke repeating the word as if it was the only word I knew. I started seeing stars as I came to my release, Danica loosing control as she moaned out my name multiple times.

We both collided on the bed out of breath. Sweat glistening on our bodies, "I love you too" I spoke her green eyes catching mine. She didn't respond or anything she just stared into my eyes and leaned in kissing my lips lovingly.

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now