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Sunlight filtered into my room from the small opening in my curtains. I was wide awake considering I didn't make it home past 2 AM, I should be asleep but thank god it wasn't a school day. I stared at my ceiling, yesterdays events replaying in my head.

The almost kiss with Billy and everything I felt with him and the part where my best friend kissed me, trying to take it to the next level and if I was a sex crazed teen it would've happened.

I got up knowing breakfast would most likely be served soon by my mother, and I was right. There were already two plates made, Eggs and Bacon placed on the table for Dustin and I while my mom sat with mews in the living room area.

"Oh sweetie, you have to baby sit tonight" she said to me, I gave her a crazed look because my brother hasn't needed a baby sitter since he was ten, "Mom Dustin doesn't - "Oh no sweetie it's for a new family in town they needed a babysitter for their daughter, the poor mother sounded very stressed so I said you'd do it" she said.

I stared at her in disbelief, my mother was a lovely women but when she was nice she was overly nice I groaned, "when?" I asked "tonight, I wrote down the address for you" I tried not to groan once more, I didn't have an issue babysitting but my babysitting days were over and I grew tired of babysitting little brats. 

The day went by faster than I thought, it was already night out which meant I had to babysit soon. I got dressed slipping on a pair black jeans and a shirt with my go to boots, I ran down the stairs grabbing the address to the home I would be going too.

Unlocking my car I slipped a cigarette into my mouth lighting it as I pressed onto the gas zooming down the road.

With a small sigh, I rang the doorbell and waited, putting on my friendliest expression. Not a minute passed by before heavy footsteps could be heard approaching the door and then it swung open, "Well look who it is" his stupid smug smirk on his face "For fucks sake" I groaned "I knew you couldn't stay away from me" I snorted at him, he was joking right? "Thats where your wrong Cali" I spoke causing him to chuckle.

He widened the door allowing me to come in "Susan babysitters here!" Billy yelled and soon enough a women with red hair come out of the kitchen "Hello you must be Danica" she said pulling me into a hug "Thank you for doing this on such short notice" she said holding my hands I shook my head "Oh it's no bother" Bullshit I thought, it is a bother "just thank you so much, there's money in the kitchen for food if you guys get hungry, my husband and I should be back by ten sharp" she said as she grabbed her things and rushed out the house.

I turned to Billy wondering why he wasn't the one babysitting his sister and as if he knew what I was thinking he answered my question "I have plans babygirl, but I would gladly cancel them for you" he said winking at me, I gagged a little bit I can't believe I'm attracted to this man I thought "Max get down here punk!" Billy yelled out. A red head girl coming out of one of the rooms glaring at her brother "Listen here you little shit, be nice to her okay" He warned.

I just looked at him, did he think that this was impressing me. I liked Billy at Tinas party, the Billy that danced with me and didn't give two shits about impressing people, The Billy that spoke to me about his personal life. There were two sides of Billy and I was hoping to only see one.

Max stuck out her middle finger as he left out the door, hearing his Camaro roaring down the street, "What a douche" I said causing Max to laugh "Lets watch a movie, you pick" I said she smiled running into the living-room area picking a movie while I ordered pizza.

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now