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Part one

My eyes fluttered open as I stretched out, The sun peaking through Steve's curtains. I sat up looking over to my left as I saw Steve still asleep. I got dressed slipping on a pair of shorts and one of Steves shirts. I figured while he slept I'd go get us some food.

I headed to my car driving off to Bennys where I  walked in ordering two burgers and fries hopping back in my car heading back to Steve's. I knocked on the door waiting until he came, The door opening revealing a shirtless Steve still in his pajama pants as they hung loosely around his waist, his hair pushed back out of his face.

"I have food" I cheered walking into the house as he widen the door closing it behind me. "Why are you still in your PJ's?" I asked kicking my shoes off climbing in his bed

" It's a lazy day" He spoke plopping down next to me on the bed grabbing his food. "Why are you in my shirt?" He asked causing me to laugh giving his same response, "It's a lazy day" I shrugged

"Is my body distracting you?" he joked causing me to shove him off the bed he laughed as he got up playfully threatening me causing me to run away, "Steve no!" I yelled running around his house. His strong arms wrapping around me throwing me over his shoulder.

"Steve drop me!" I screamed causing him to laugh

"Okay" he spoke pretending to drop me making me scream and adjust myself wrapping my legs around his waist making me laugh. Steve carried me to his room sitting on his bed, me on his lap , his face inches away from mine, his eyes moving to my lips as he licked his."Fuck it" Steve spoke crashing  his lips to mine, A soft kiss which turned more deeper and passionate each minute. I kissed back, my hand moving to the back of his neck as his hands moved to my thighs gripping them.

"Steve" I spoke pulling away hoping that my voice wouldn't break on me. He pulled away forehead on mine as he took deep breaths, "I always wanted to do that." He admitted. Steve got up placing me on my feet gently. I was completely stuck. I didn't know what to say, let alone what to do.

"I, I have to go" I stuttered turning my back to him going to leave his room. "I love you" Steve blurted causing me to stop in my tracks, I turned to face him my heart breaking. "Don't"I spoke trying to forget his words. Steve walking over to me grabbing my hands.

"I always loved you"

"I have to go" I spoke tears brimming my eyes at the thought of breaking his heart.

"You don't have to go" Steve spoke holding onto me "Please don't go"

"I have too" I took a deep breath releasing myself from his grip wiping my eyes and walking out his house and getting to my car. I probably sat there for about ten minuets just thinking. "Fuck" I yelled hitting my steering-wheel, I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair lighting up a joint driving back home. I opened my front door stumbling in as I tripped over our carpet.

"Oh Danica, you were always so clumsy"

I froze, I knew that voice. The voice that left me when I was thirteen, I turned catching my mothers eyes and than his.

"Dad" I spoke walking into our living room area. He was sitting down drinking tea. Peppermint something he always loved and carried around in his car. "Hey Dani bear" He spoke pulling me in for a hug. I didn't really know what to do but to hug him back awkwardly and act like it was okay that he was here but it wasn't.

"Mother can I talk to you in private? I asked more like demanded as I walked off into the kitchen area her following behind me. "What is he doing here?" I asked upset that she would let him in our house so easily, "He wanted to see you kids and I also told him about you possibly going to school in New York"

"You did what!" I screeched taking a seat, putting my head in my hands, fingers clawing at my scalp from anger. "Mom I applied to just see if id get in" I spoke truly annoyed at her for saying anything t him. I knew where he was, he was in New York this whole time but I wasn't going to New York for him I was going for school even if he was the one that helped me form this dream of mine. "And you got in so what's wrong?" She argued back.

"What's wrong is that I have other options for school mom. I was not going to go to New York to be with my father if that's what you were thinking."

"No it wasn't" Lie a lie straight from her mouth. The thing is about my mother, just like me is that she is very forgiving but to me being a parent is a full time job. You don't just pick up and leave and come back like it's some vacation. I grabbed my keys off the table heading towards the door.

"Where are you going Danica!?" She yelled as I walked away from her. "Out! And while I'm gone get him the fuck out, I don't want Dustin seeing him yet!" I yelled pushing past my father straight to my car driving off. There was another party tonight and I intended on getting shit faced.

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now