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The bell rang as I ran up to Steve linking our arms smiling at him as we walked to our fifth period class gym, "So did you talk to her?"I asked him, he rolled his eyes annoyed at me "Don't roll your eyes Steven." I warned causing him to let out a small laugh, "No I have not spoken to her." He said.

I looked at him like a mad person "You had all weekend!" I whispered yelled at him, him putting his hands up in defense, " Sorry Dani but I was wallowing in self pity." He spoke sarcasm attached to his words, I sighed bumping him a-little with my hip"Talk to her an you won't wallow anymore." He Steve chuckled a bit bumping me back and wrapping an arm around me "It's gonna take some time" he spoke.

As we walked down the hall I felt the stare of someone watching me. I looked around meeting Billys eyes but than I also saw the people around him and what he was doing, he was with the usual suspects of his group of friends, Tommy , Carrol and another boy. But what really caught me was his arms. They were around some blonde with blue eyes, Never seen her in any of my classes so I just chalked it up to her being a lower-class man. Billy was staring at me anger evident in his face and being bold I winked at him which made him even more angrier.

I watched from the bleachers as the boys had to play a game of basket ball, shirts and skins. Billy being on Skins of course, anything to show off his body, while Steve was on shirts. The game was getting good but the tension in the gym right now was impossible. Billy and Steve kept going at it with each other, Which started becoming physical little by little.

I watched everything unfold as is if was in slow motion, Billy had tripped Steve causing him to fall but once Steve had gotten up he pushed Billy causing a full blown fight, Billy throwing the first punch and Steve throwing one back.

I hadn't even realized I moved when I was face to face with Billy, I grabbed his face forcing him to look at me, but it was like he couldn't see me or didn't recognize me, Pure anger filled in his body and this scared me.

I grabbed his hand leading him out into the hall pulling him into the old staff bathroom, "Billy calm down." I said locking the door,  when I turned around he was in-front of my face grabbing me by the back of the neck pulling me in for a kiss.

No." I said sternly before pushing him away . He loosened his grip on my neck and waist as he stumbled back a little. Billy looked angry for only a split second before he put back on his stupid smirk and lame act of seduction

"That girl was nothing to me. You got that?" He said, moving one of his hands to grip onto my jaw, but not roughly. His thumb brushing across my bottom lip a few times before he took the chance to step forward again, leaving us closer than I would have liked.

" Didn't look that way." My voice almost cracked, I gave myself a mental scolding for looking so weak,  "She's nothing." He repeated. Billy stayed still, keeping our eyes locked as his thumb brushed over my lip. If I didn't know any better I would have believed him. But I'm not a stupid. My father taught me well, I know when someone is being truthful and when someone is not.

Billy leaned down to kiss me again, but I moved my face, his lips falling to my cheek. "Dani, believe me please." he whispered placing his forehead on mine. But I just couldn't believe him. As much as I wanted too. Something told me not too. At least not now, My pride was to strong and I've felt disappointment and heartbreak before.

"I'm sorry Billy, I can't"

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now