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When I got home it wasn't a pretty picture, I stared at my ceiling thinking about the events of last night.

"Where have you been?" My father asked me as I entered the house. I was hoping to make a quick entrance and having them think I came in more earlier than four in the morning, "Out" I spoke shoving my car keys in my pocket My father Neil crossing his arms over his chest. "Always out with some slut"

I opened my mouth to speak when I was shoved into a wall "What did we talk about?" He asked, I stayed silent which clearly was a mistake because Neil took this opportunity to punch me in the face "WHAT DID WE TALK ABOUT!" He yelled, I could feel the swelling already start on my eye.

"Respect and responsibility"

"That's right. now instead of going out with sluts learn to spend time with family, before I throw your ass out" Neil threatened as he shoved me one last time leaving me alone, a single tear rolling down my cheek as I punched the wall.

I sighed thinking about how I was already late for picking up Danica, my heart was aching and telling me to go get her but my mind already made the decision to just head to school and avoid her, which I knew wouldn't be easy considering how fiery she could be at times.

I got out of bed preparing for the day. I took a look in the mirror examining my face I shook my head punching my mirror watching as it fell to shards on my floor, I chuckled as I lit a cigarette placing it to my lips, blood dripping to the floor. I wrapped my first, grabbing my car keys and heading out the door meeting Max at the car.

"What the fuck" She spoke looking at my face

"Don't worry about it Max" I said as both of us got in, turning the car on and driving off.


"What the fuck is that on your neck!"

"Dustin shut up" I spoke covering up my hickey that Billy had gave me. It was only 7 AM and Dustin was already being annoying.

"I'm so telling mom" he spoke about to run off but I grabbed him by his curls pulling him into my room "No the fuck you wont or I will tell her that I saw you sneak out the house the other night" I said causing Dustins face to drop "okay okay" he spoke as he put his hands up surrendering.

I paced back and forth looking at the time "where was he" I thought. I ran my fingers through my freshly flat ironed hair and sighed

"Just get in the car , i'll be there soon" I spoke slipping on my leather jacket and grabbing my pack or pre-rolls and backpack heading down to my car.

"What's bothering you?" Dustin asked, I looked over at him giving him a smile "I'll tell you when you're older" I answered. Dustin was young but he was smart and maybe a little too smart for his age but I admired it, when our father left he took it upon himself to be the more reasonable one unlike me who made decisions based on just what I wanted to do and didn't care who it hurt or how it made me look.

"Just be good at school squirt" I spoke ruffling his hair watching as he grabbed his stuff and raced over to his friends, I hopped out the car grabbing my own shit when I felt an arm around me a smile crept on my face but when I turned around I saw Steve, "Oh Steven you look horrible" I spoke Steve giving me a look "yea guess who's boyfriend did this to me" he spoke irritation coming off his words, I sighed responding "he's not my boyfriend" "Look I don't care what you guys are, I don't like it" he spoke


"You like him don't you?" he asked me my heart breaking for my best friend as his eyes became glassy and anger evident in his face.

"Steve I-"

"Yea, you like him. Bye Danica" Steve spoke leaving me in the parking lot alone. I sighed as I watched Steve walk away from me, I followed walking to my class.

The day was slow and it was slow mainly because I didn't have my best-friend but also because Billy wasn't around either. Assuming he had skipped I left early. Driving over to his house to check on him. I knocked on the door, not once but twice before getting an answer. I let out a shaky breath, my knees weak. "Who did this to you?"  Billy crossed his arms, smiling with irony. "My Father caught me sneaking in last night. But It was one of his good days, he could do worse." He spoke, tears brimmed my eyes as I lightly traced my fingertips over his bruised cheek going down to his split lip, he flinched and a tear fell down my cheek feeling as though this was my fault.

"This isn't your fault" he spoke widening the door so I could come in, "It is" I spoke going to his room. I heard him inhale deeply as he closed the door, "trust me this isn't your fault. My dads an asshole."


"Why what?"

"Why does he do this? Hurt his own son?" I asked but I regretted it, Billy sighed "He blames me for my mothers death, she was in a car accident and I was in the car with her."

"Billy-" I spoke but he cut me off, his lips on mine. I could taste the usual mints and cigarettes on his lips, my stomach doing backflips. "I really really like you, you're the only thing that makes sense in my life right now and I want you to be mine, I don't wanna be just friends messing around I want you to be mine" Those words leaving his mouth. I would never expect Billy Hargrove to say, his exterior was always hard. He was a ladies man who had a rep and he'd dread if anyone heard him saying this to me. My heart pounding and all I could think to say was "yes"

Their finallyyy officially together😩😩😩😩💕💕💕💕

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