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Max and I laid on the sofa in the family room, I was babysitting again. And I was growing on them As they were growing on me.

It's been a month since the fight between Billy and Steve, and the incident between Billy and I. We occasionally saw each other, mostly because I was Max's babysitter and because we had some classes together. But I didn't talk to him and he didn't talk to me.

I heard the front door open, Max and I unfazed not bothering to get up because it could only be one person this late at night, which was Billy. He was smoking a cigarette as he walked in, his gorgeous blue eyes flickering over to me when he walked past us, "Max bed time." He said, Max groaning as she hopped off the sofa stomping over to her room, "Brat" He called her.

I glared at him, "You should be more nicer to her, she's a sweet girl" I scolded, "Yea too you." He argued back, I shook my head at him, "Just be nice to her" I spoke before grabbing my stuff and going out the door.

"Wait" I heard Billy say as he grabbed my hand, My heart beating faster as I felt the electricity between us, "Have a drink with me?" He asked. I smiled nodding my head as he pulled out a bottle of whiskey from his car.
We sat on the hood of his car, Billy taking a drink from the bottle and passing it to me, "You're lucky i'm off the clock right now" I said a giggle escaping my lips, I looked over to see Billy watching me with intent. A soft look in his eyes, "What?" I asked as he gave me a soft smile.

Billy grabbed my hands kissing them both "I'm so sorry Danica" he spoke "For everything, It was a game to me and I didn't mean for it to get so heated and I'm -" "Its fine Billy" I spoke cutting him off, "I can promise you that it's fine okay, lets just move on" I said giving him a small smile.

It wasn't fine, something I said I never wanted to go through again was heartbreak and hurt. This time it wasn't my father breaking my heart, it was Billy.

Some whiskey spilled on my chin as I drank from the bottle. Laughter erupting from both of us. We were clearly drunk and tried to contain ourselves as much as we could. But Billys hilarious stories about back home wasn't helping "Theres no way!" I laughed holding my stomach, "I'm telling you the truth." He snickered. I liked this Billy, the Billy I could laugh with all night. I hated how he kept this part of him hidden, but I also love how he only showed me this part of him. I stared at him, without even knowing I was doing so until he grabbed my hand, breaking me out of thought.

"Take a picture it will last longer." He joked huffing out a laugh. I grabbed his face, not rough but gently. I wasn't one for making the first move usually, but I wanted this moment to happen.

I leaned in, Our lips colliding as we kissed. Billy moved his hand to the back of my neck, turning the kiss more passionate. I moaned into the kiss , Billy picking me up and taking me into his house, He laid me on the bed in his room, kissing into my neck.

I was desperate for sex and so was he. It could've been the alcohol but at the moment I didn't care.
Billy placed a kiss on my lips as we started to undress each other. I moaned out loud as he took each of my erect nipples in his mouth , causing me to arch my back. His mouth moved down to my stomach than finally attaching to my area as he began to perform his oral attack on me. Moans spilled past my lips as my fingers attached themselves to his hair pulling as the pleasure consumed me. Billy placed a finger in me, "Gosh you're so tight baby" he spoke heavy lidded as he felt my slickness all over his finger.

He added another finger stretching me a bit. "Please Billy" I moaned out , grinding myself on to his fingers. Billy pumped himself in his hand as he aligned himself at my entrance, slowly pushing himself in me,  a groan slipping past his lips," Fuck" he said as he began thrusting in and out of me. I wrapped one leg around his waist allowing him to become more deeper.

I started to lose myself as his movements became more rougher, faster and harder with every thrust. Billy flipped us over making me ride him, his fingers digging into my hips as he forced me down on him with each thrust. This was the most pleasure I've ever felt and all I wanted to do was scream his name out. "Fuck Billy!" I moaned out,  his strong hands holding me, one hand gripping my hip and the other attached itself to the back of my neck.

I started to clench around him, my nails digging into his shoulders causing deep red marks. I was about to cum "Don't you dare" he warned pure pleasure written on his face. I bit my lip trying to contain myself but I couldn't.  He pulled out, my high going down. He flipped me over onto my hands and knees, back arched as he shoved in me from behind.

"Billy!" I mewled my eyes began to roll to the back of my head, his hands gripping my hips leaving marks.
I couldn't take it anymore, he slammed into me every time. I wanted to cry out from all the pleasure I was receiving. I never had sex like this and I never wanted this to stop "FUCK BILLY" I moaned loudly.

I was pulled up by my hair my back slamming into Billy's strong chest as he whispered in my ear, "Shhh babe, We don't wanna wake up little Max do we" Billy spoke. His hands Moving to my swollen nub as he began rubbing it throwing me over the edge.

"Cum babe" he spoke fucking me like there was no tomorrow, my walls clenching around him my release pushing him over the edge. My eyes brimmed with tears as I screamed out, my orgasm hitting me.

"fuck i'm cuming" He wheezed as he grabbed a fistful of my curls. His thrust slowing down as he came off his high. Billy pulled out of me, laying next to me, arms wrapped around me "you're gonna be the death of me." He spoke pressing his lips to my forehead as we fell asleep.

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now