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I woke up to soft snores and light breathing hitting my face. I smiled remembering that Billy had stayed the night, his face still bruised but better than last night as I rotated an ice pack to his face throughout the night. I twirled a piece of his hair between my fingers and lightly kissing his lips as he slept.

There was a knock on the door along with Dustin"s voice "School!" he yelled I opened my bedroom door slightly so he wouldn't see Billy "I uh have some stuff I need to take care of, ride to school today" I spoke earning a groan and a slew of curse words from him. I shook my head telling him that I would take him to Benny's diner for some burgers if he'd shut up and just go, Dustin gave me a toothy smile running down the stairs on his way to school.

I began to close my door when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and light peppery kisses on my neck, "Good morning" Billy spoke his voice still groggy, I turned around to face him pecking his lips he "hmm'd" slightly like I was his favorite treat, "You gotta give me more than that babe" he spoke capturing my lips giving me a passionate kiss. I giggled as I pushed him away throwing his cloths at him "We have school" I said causing Billy to smirk getting undress in-front of me. I stared at his package than him biting my lip a bit'

"Like what you see?" he questioned causing me to roll my eyes and giggle as I went into my bathroom to get dressed.

We sat in Billy's car as he smoked a cigarette, his shades covering his eyes, a river of smoke flowing out of his mouth as he stared into the distance of high schoolers. I grabbed his hand his attention turning to me "you okay?" I asked he smiled at me kissing my knuckles "yea" he spoke stepping out of the car. I sighed as I knew this was my queue to step out as well. I stepped out my sneakers hitting the pavement, my backpack slinging over my shoulder, Billy grabbing my hand as all eyes were on us. Billy gave my hand a squeeze, kissing my cheek as he whispered in my ear, "I'll catch you next period" he spoke before pulling me in for a kiss earning a few whistles and hollers from other students.

"so you and Billy?" I heard a voice ask from behind turning around seeing Jonathan

"I know what you're gonna say" I spoke slamming my locker shut as I adjusted my textbooks in my arm.

"Not gonna say anything. Just be careful is all" Jonathan warned. I understood where his words were coming from. When Will was found we all drifted apart, we all were making bad decisions, decisions that shouldn't have been made.

"Thanks Johnny" I spoke giving him a small smile

"Happy almost Birthday" he yelled causing me to giggle and yell back a "thanks" as I continued to head back to class.

When I entered the classroom all eyes were on me as I took my regular seat, I usually wouldn't care about the eyes following my every move but this was a different feeling. it felt different. The teacher wasn't n yet so there was chatter amongst students. I heard some gossip about Billy and I from a girl a row next to me, clearly thinking I couldn't hear her but I could.

"She's just another girl on his list thats all." I heard her say causing me to scoff and roll my eyes.

"I heard they already slept together the poor girl gave it up too fast." I heard another say and that's when I lost my shit, getting up my chair screeching against the classroom floor. I stomped over to her ready to grab her by the hair when a pair of arms wrapped around me pulling me out the classroom.

"Saving another poor girls life I see" Steve teased

"I wouldn't say saving"

"Please you were gonna beat that poor girl to a pulp" Steve spoke causing a giggle to erupt from my mouth.

Steve sighed pulling me into a hug "What happened?"he asked and I shrugged "Just rumors" I spoke Steve giving me a look. "I love protective Steve but I'm okay" I reassured him bumping his shoulder as I went back to my seat.

The rest of the day went by smoothly other than the stress from my principle about making a choice on what college I waned to go to . I heard rumors here and there about Billy,  girls coming up to me telling me how lucky I was but I just rolled my eyes at them. They didn't know. They couldn't even fucking understand what Billy and I had. We had something before we even knew it, From the day I saw him step out of his stupid blue Camaro and give me his stupid signature smirk. As I replaced my books with my school bag in my locker I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and lips on my neck. I leaned my head back onto his shoulder giving him more room.

"Someones acting bad"

"Yea well its been a long day" I spoke turning around wrapping my arms around his neck

"I got a way to make it better" Billy spoke catching my lips with his, his hands moving from my waist to my ass squeezing it, a moan escaping my lips.

"Henderson! Hargrove! please get out of my school" Principle Hemmings yelled scolding us.

I giggled as we pulled apart Billy giving my neck a quick peck than shooting a look towards our principle "Have a good day sir" he spoke as he grabbed my hand leading me to his car. We waited for Max and Dustin not knowing if we should break our relationship to them just yet, but I figured being honest was the best thing at the moment since we hid our previous encounters. we watched Max and Dustin come over to us, Max on her skate board her fiery red hair blowing in the wind while Dustin wheeled his bike watching Max like she was some kind of magical being.

"What's going on?" Max asked

"Just get in the car brat" Billy spat causing me to throw him a glare

"Cut it out" I spoke causing Billy to smirk at me blowing a kiss at me Dustin and Max standing there confused on what was going on.

"No" Max spoke anger on her small little face "Please tell me you guys aren't a thing"

I sighed looking over to Billy who was already staring at me. My eyes moved to Dustin who had an annoyed look on his face waiting for us to answer Max's question. I took a deep breath before answering "yes" this caused Max to shove past her brother skating away.

"Max wait" I spoke about to go after her but Billy stopped me "let her go, she needs to cool off" he spoke. I turned to Dustin who just shrugged his shoulders getting on his bike and riding off.

"That went well" I heard Billy say getting into his car I rolled my eyes following his movements, my head leaning on the window. Billy grabbed my hand kissing it I gave him a small smile as he attempted to cheer me up, I love Max and it sucked that the news of her step- brother and I upset her.

"Princess don't worry, give her time."

"How much time?" I spoke making Billy chuckle he grabbed my face and kissed me

"As much as she need's trust me. This is Max we're talking about she loves you." Billy spoke pecking my lips once more. His words were kind but didn't make me feel better. I felt horrible, I felt that maybe this was a mistake and we should've waited.

"How about some ice cream" he spoke

"Please" I spoke my mood a bit more excited.

"Come on" he spoke opening the car door for me, I smiled at him my hand caressing his cheek as I kissed him and took my seat.

Another filler chap guys sorry if it's boring! Danica and Billy are literally in their honeymoon stage😌

Vote and Comment guys! Love you!!!

Btw also on a plane right now on my way to Florida for vacation! Figured why not get a chapter out before I touch down.

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now