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I sighed as I inhaled some smoke from my cigarette, Today Danica was suppose to watch Max but since Max has basically written her off she stayed home. Probably watching sad movies eating ice cream, But now I was stuck watching the brat. We sat outside I watched as she went back and forth on her skateboard.

"You should talk to her" I spoke earning a glare from Max, she ignored me not saying a word as she continued on her board. I nodded my head getting up as she ignored me, I pulled her broad out from under her causing her to fall which felt good to be honest. I've been so nice to the little brat for Danica she should appreciate her.

"What the fuck do you want her to do Max?" I questioned anger laced in my words

"I don't want anything to do with her or you, you ruin everything Billy she was my friend first" Max spoke her read hair flying in the air from the wind I furrowed my brows as I looked at her in confusion.

"Are you dumb? she's always gonna be your friend and babysitter Max." I argued

"you'll break her heart than she won't come around often"

"SHE DOESN'T COME AROUND AT ALL!" I yelled causing Max to flinch my words hitting her like a ton of bricks. I took deep breaths calming myself thinking abut how much Danica would hate me if she heard me yelling at Max. "You should talk to her, take as much time as you need to get over what it is that you need to get over but at the end of the day we're together but she'll always pick you over me" I spoke causing Max to nod her head and head into the house straight to her room.

I took one last drag from my cigarette heading inside to shower. The hot water sprinkling over my body relaxing my muscles, I sat in there for about an hour thinking. Thinking about my future and what it has in store for me. I thought about Danica and wondered if she would come with me to California.

I stepped out drying myself off and getting dressed quickly I raced out the door hearing Susan my stepmother call me. I rolled my eyes as she asked me where I was going. "Danica's for the night" I answered this caused her to smile, "I like her she's very sweet" she spoke I nodded my head agreeing with her saying something along the lines of an "I like her too"

I hopped in my car driving off,  Waiting for a Girl Like You playing as I zoomed down her rode, the song ironic since I've literally been waiting for a girl like her. Danica made my heart beat ten times faster and always made me think before I spoke, always making me want to be better. I got out my car abd knocked on her front door and within seconds I was greeted with her beautiful face.

"Hey" she spoke almost a whisper I guessed her mother and brother were home and didn't know I was making a appearance tonight. She grabbed my hand leading me upstairs to her room the scent of vanilla filling my nose as we entered. I grabbed her by the waist pulling her close, my lips attaching to her's in a sweet kiss.


"What are you thinking about?" I asked as I watched Billy stare at my ceiling chewing on his bottom lip in deep thought.

"My future, I've been thinking about that a lot lately" he admitted


"I don't know it's just been a constant thought. I want to be better and I want more in the future, more career paths to choose from." He spoke I stared at him thinking about how much he has changed in the past months.

"I also wanted to know if you'd come with me back to California?" Billy asked his eyes now connecting with mine. I smiled as I leaned in to kiss him "Yes" I spoke causing him to deepen the kiss.

"This is why I love you baby" He spoke kissing my lips one last time before closing his eyes. I studied his face watching his features as he slowly fell asleep. "How could I be this madly in love?" I thought. I loved him and wanted to be there for him even if it meant putting my dreams on hold.

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now