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Warning sexual content


I sighed as I doodled cartoons in my notebook, I was in AP English a class I had with Billy. I tried not to pay attention to his constant flirting with a girl named Ashley who transferred in earlier this year, Billy just now paying attention to her. Throughout the class I had to listen to their non stop talking, Billy using his cheesy pick up lines on her as she giggled annoyingly.

I sighed as I began tapping my pen on my desk "Jealous?" Steve questioned as he watched me, my head turning as I glared at him causing Steve to chuckle, "You could just take him back"

"No" I spoke jotting down some notes Steve sighing as he glanced at Billy who was a few seats down from us, "Well I think you should talk to him"

"You don't even like him" I spoke still paying attention to the teacher.

"You locked yourself in your room for about two weeks" Steve spoke causing me to roll my eyes.

I got up from my seat heading to the bathroom, I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror I wet my face with cold water patting it dry with a paper towel as I left the bathroom only to be pulled into a corner, coming face to face with Billy.

"What's wrong?" he asked grabbing my hands causing me to back away from him.

"Leave me alone Billy" I say walking away from him, Billy hot on my heels.

"Why? Are you jealous of Ashley now?" Billy questioned as he continued on, I scoffed as if he didn't know exactly why I didn't want anything to do with him. I ignored his question which irritated him more, "I'm talking to you Dani"

"Well I don't want to talk to you Billy" I spoke continuing to walk away from him. I felt him grab my wrist, my back hitting a wall as his lips crash to mine. My heart failing me as it pounded in my chest and butterflies erupted in my stomach.

I moaned into his mouth as he kissed me. his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer hands moving to my ass gripping it and picking me up just the way he knew I liked. His length rubbing against me letting me know just how much he wants me.

"I want you" He spoke against my lips as he grinded against me causing me to whimper

"I want you too" I spoke as my fingers tangled theirselves in his hair as our make out session grew more heated. His hands rubbing my breast causing my nipples to turn into hard nubs, making me gasp. Taking this chance to slip his tongue in my mouth I got that tingly feeling I always got when I was with him.

"Fuck" he groaned mainly out of frustration, "Baby I'll take you right here, right now if you don't stop me" and that's exactly what I wanted. I missed him and I needed him and the fact that I had on a dress was torture for both of us. All Billy needed to do was pull out his length, push my panties to the side, enter my core and I'd be his.

I moaned loudly but Billy covered my mouth quickly as he pumped two fingers in me, his eyes heavy lidded as he felt how wet I was for him. "Fuck it" He spoke as he pushed my underwear to the side entering me as he let out a long groan. His grip on me tightening as he started bucking his hips back and fourth

Take me back" Billy spoke through the wet kisses he was leaving down my neck. My eyes squeezed shut as I enjoyed this moment with him, Our reckless teenage moment.

"Billy I'm gonna -"

"I know baby, I know" He spoke as his fingers lace in my hair pulling, I let out a scream that was muffled by his lips but I'm sure if anyone was in the hall with us they would've been able to hear it. We both climaxed Billy breathing heavily with his forehead on mine, placing me on my wobbly legs holding me up so I wouldn't fall. Billy pecked my lips but I soon moved away, Him giving me a look.

"Danica please" He begged "I know I fucked up"

"This was just a quick fuck Billy for the both of us. So we can move on"

"I don't want to move on Danica!" He yelled punching a locker next to me his fingers moving to his hair as he pulled out of anger. "I have to get back" I spoke lowly walking away from him hearing him say a small whatever. I walked into class Steve eyeing me as I took my seat.

"Everything okay?"

"Yup" I answered my eyes connecting with Billy's as he walked back into the class room, his eyes red and glossed over with unshed tears.

"What about this one" Nancy spoke as she turned around showing me her dress and to be honest I wasn't even paying attention.

"Danica" she spoke catching my attention "Hm" I hummed out

"Are you paying attention?"

"To be honest no" I confessed causing her to sigh and sit next to me on her bed, "Is this about Billy?" she asked and I nodded my head in response.

"I'm confused by you guys, what's going? You guys adore each other, I haven't even seen Billy look at a girl the way he looks at you. Why can't you guys just be together again. He's miserable Danica I can see it and so does Steve and he doesn't even like the guy.  Even Jonathan says he's not acting like himself." Nancy spoke causing me to sigh as I thought about him shaking me head.

"Trust is important in a relationship and he seems to not trust me" I argued causing Nancy to laugh a bit

"Oh come on Danica you and I both know how Steve feels about you, yea you didn't do anything with him but just the thought of you guys together and the fact that you guys have known each other for so long is intimidating. They way you guys are with each other anyone who didn't know you guys would think you were a thing. I also think that even though you don't feel anything for Steve he sure feels something for you..  I think you should give Hargrove another chance and see where it goes." Nancy finished she pulled me in for a hug as I took a deep breath.

I left Nancys house getting into my car lighting up a joint, the drug flowing through my lungs as I took a deep breath in thinking about everything Nancy had said, I shook my head putting my car in drive and going off down the road. My thoughts got the best of me as Nancys words stirred in my head.

"The way he looks at you" , "You guys adore each other"

I took another drag of my joint rolling down my windows as the warm summer air hit me. I got a tingly feeling in my stomach when I started to think about Billy and I's encounter in the hall.   

"I want you"

I shook the thoughts out of my head taking another pull from my joint taking a sharp left to the Harringtons. I put my car in park at the front of the house going over to knock. Mrs Harrington opening the door.

"Danica, nice to see you" She spoke as she pulled me in for a hug. "We're having diner would you like to join?, I made your favorite" I smiled thinking about her pasta. I nodded my head walking in Steve seeing me as he pulled me in for a hug slightly lifting me and spinning me around.

"Put her down son so she can eat" I heard Mr Harrington speaking causing me to giggle as Steve rolled his eyes.

"Come on let's eat" Steve spoke as he guided me to the dinner table giving my hand a good squeeze. Which also meant that I could stay and I could stay as long as I wanted to.

Just want you guys to start preparing for the ending 🤷🏽‍♀️ so here's two updates for ya!!!!

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