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I giggled as Billy spun me around by the hand pulling me to him. His arms wrapping around my waist. We were in the school parking lot joking around, everyone watching us. it's been couple of days since people found out that Billy and I were together and since we both told each other how we felt.

"you're so beautiful" He spoke kissing my face making me laugh

"Stop lying"

"you're the prettiest girl in the whole world" He spoke spinning me around this time my back pressed up against him, his lips kissing my neck.

"Now I know you're lying" I spoke as his arms wrapped around me and he lightly rocked us side to side.

"Hargrove get off my girl" Steve spoke causing Billy to roll his eyes. They weren't on the best of terms but they tried for me. I smiled pecking Billy on the lips and going over to Steve as he engulfed me in a hug.

"He's being good to you?" he questioned throwing a glare at Billy. I elbowed Steve on the side earning a grunt from him.

"Be nice" I warned

"Always" Steve spoke holding his side.

I looked over to the middle school as I watched Dustin head over to the boys smiling as they all laughed at something he said. My eyes than travel to Max as she rode into the school on her skateboard, red hair flying in the air. I haven't seen much of the boys or Max since my birthday which was weird because they always were around and Max hasn't been talking to me since she found out the truth about Billy and I.

"Give her time" I heard from behind me

I groaned turing to Billy, "it's been two weeks and two days"

"Stop counting" He spoke chuckling a bit I shook my head, my eyes still on the kids. I heard a sigh  feeling an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"let's get to class okay"  Billy said and I nodded my head moving with him into the school.

Billy and I walked hand in hand, we got the usual stares from fellow students and some teachers even shook their head at me. it wasn't a secret that people didn't like Billy.

"Ms Henderson!" I heard my principle shout signaling me to go to his office, I pecked billy on the cheek telling him and Steve that I'll see them in class.

"Morning Aaron how's the Mrs?" I asked principle Hemming's cringing at his first name

"She's great getting rounder each day" he spoke I laughed making a joke about not saying that to his pregnant wife. Principle Hemming's and I have grown close throughout my four years of high school wether if it was good or bad I spent most of my free time in his office having small chats about life.

"Look Danica I called you in here because I see that you got early acceptance to some great schools The College Of New Jersey and NYU and I think you should really go for it." he spoke handing me my acceptance letters

"Thanks sir but I'm still undecided on where I'm going I just applied to these schools just to see if I'd get in thats all" I responded

"Is this about Hargrove?" He asked causing me to stay silent a sigh leaving his mouth.

"Love can only take you so far Danica" he spoke and with that I left his office. As I walked to class I thought about what he said, Billy and I have spoke about what colleges we'd want to go to, his heart was set on UCLA mine was set on being with him and yes it sounded dumb following a boy across the country but I didn't care.

"Nice of you to join us Danica" My English teacher spoke as she crossed her arms over her chest pushing her breast up little bit.

"I have a pass and you might want to cover up Ms" I spoke causing the whole class to erupt in laughs Billy throwing me a look that said 'What's up" I just shook my head taking my seat.

The Bell Rang at last signaling it was lunch time and after four long class periods my stomach was growling I walked down the hall to my locker to put my books away when arms wrapped around my waist lifting me up a small screech leaving my mouth the person laughed setting me down.

"Steve you idiot" I spoke pushing him a bit causing him to laugh

"Well if it isn't Danica the slut Henderson" I heard causing me to freeze and turn around seeing none other than Carol and her annoying group of girl friends.

"I'm sorry what?" I questioned shocked at what she said

"How is it possible to fuck both Steve and Billy?" She asked I looked at Steve who choked on his own spit.

"Whoa, Carol cut it out" Steve spoke as he pulled me back a bit.

"Why? it's the whole talk of the school"

My blood was now boiling thinking "who would come up with such a rumor". I wanted to grab Carol by her hair and bang her face on a damn locker, this rumor was sick and I dreaded Billy hearing it. Things were so good and now they were about to be ruined.

"Come on Dani" Steve spoke as he grabbed on to my hand leading me away from them.

"Do you think he's heard by now?" I asked afraid of getting into a fight with him. Steve squeezed my hand reassuring me that everything would be fine. Steve and I reached the lunch room making our way to our usual seats with Jonathan and Nancy, Billy nowhere in sight.

"Harrington!" We heard all turning our heads to the booming voice as we saw Billy, fist clenched walking up to us catching the attention of the whole school.

"Billy wait" I spoke walking up to him about to grab his hand when I was shoved away, "Don't touch me slut" he spat a pang of hurt in my heart.

"Billy its not true" Steve spoke but only getting sucker punched in return.

"Right" Billy laughed as he examined his hand "I saw you two at that Halloween party, I just didn't think you'd be this dumb to let it happen again Henderson"


"No Danica, It's over" Billy spoke and just like that our relationship was over, the whole school there to witness it. Tears weld up in my eyes but I refused to let them spill. I simply left the cafeteria getting into my car, my tears bursting out of my eyes once I was alone. He believed a stupid rumor and not me "I thought he loved me?" I said to myself lighting up a joint. "Guess not"

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