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I woke up to a empty bed, something I wasn't use to. Danica's side was cold so she had left awhile ago, probably before it was even bright out. I could still smell her, the scent of coconut and vanilla filling my nostrils as I lightly inhaled.

I sighed getting up and examining myself in the mirror. I looked pretty decent for a guy who got into a fight last night, my lip split and my eye looked more normal than last night. I went to grab my pack of smokes smirking when I saw a note attached to it reading, "I let myself out figured it wouldn't be so easy to explain to your dad and Susan if they caught us, Thanks for last night it was fun. see you around Cali."

The memory of last night flooded into my mind. She wasn't like most girls, most girls threw themselves at me, she was to herself and always played everything smart, she had a fiery side and a soft side and damn I wanted to know all of her sides. I ran my fingers through my hair frustration taking over a bit " What are you doing to me Danica?" I said to myself.

I freshened up a bit stepping out of my room, my father watching tv and Susan was making some god awful meal. I tried to avoid her food as much as I could. She wasn't the best cook, cooking simple things like potatoes and mac & cheese and even at times she managed to mess that up, I haven't had a good home cooked meal since my mother. "Don't forget you're watching Max today" My father spoke to me, not even looking at me.

"I always watch her" my dad got up looking at me with a glare, "What did we talk about Billy?" He questioned I didn't answer, "What did we talk about!?" This time he shoved me to the wall hard, this wasn't going to end well.


"Dani?" I heard a small voice question, I looked up seeing Will Byers, "Hey bud what's up?" I asked the small boy "I uh - well we wanted to know if you could drive us to the arcade?" He asked playing with his fingers. Will was always more nervous around me than the other boys I just chalked it up to him having a crush on me, "Sure bud, you guys just meet me at the car" I said getting up from my bed in search for my trainers,

Will smiled and ran downstairs, he breaking the news to the other boys and laughed when I heard their comments about crushing on me, Dustin saying "Ew she's my sister" I giggled as I grabbed my car keys heading down to meet them.

I pulled into the arcade parking lot, "okay guys i'll be here by ten, look out for each other and obviously don't do anything dumb, if you are just call me first so I can do it with you" I said causing all of them to cheer they got out the car but I held Will back "How you doing?" I asked he gave me a small smile "I'm fine" He answered

I smiled back at him and ruffled his hair a bit "alright go ahead" I spoke watching as he left the car running into the arcade, Just as I was about to drive off a blue Camaro sped into the lot music blaring automatically knowing it was Billy, I got out of my car walking over to his car which came to a complete halt.

Max got out the car obviously upset at Billy, she stuck out her middle finger about to walk off when her eyes landed on me she smiled giving me a hug, "The boys are waiting for you MadMax" I whispered to her the boys telling me about how good she was at almost every game, she nodded her head running into the arcade.

Billy stepped out of his car grabbing me by my waist pushing me against his car. I took a good look at his face, his marks looking more worse than the other day. "What happened to your face? It wasn't this bad the other day" I said grabbing his face, He grabbed my hand taking it away "Don't worry about it" he spoke kissing my knuckles.

He placed a kiss on my lips but I pushed him away gently, looking around to make sure no one saw, he chuckled " No ones around relax" he spoke giving me an annoyed look, I rolled my eyes at him "We aren't a thing Cali so you shouldn't be kissing me with such comfort" I replied and when I said those words I swear I saw a flash of sadness in his eyes that automatically made me regret them. he quickly masked it with his usual cocky asshole manner.

"Could've fooled me" He said getting into his car driving off, I sighed shaking my head as I got into my own car. "Fuck" I said hitting my steering wheel, I didn't know what Billy and I were but I liked the affection we shared with each other I mentally scolded myself. Driving off as well making a mental note to be back at ten for the boys.

Billys POV!!! There will be more of those coming don't worry ☺️ Comment! Vote 💕

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