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"Steve wait!" I shouted chasing after him, he slammed his fist on his car turning to lean on it, putting a joint between his lips, "What's going on Steve?" I asked knowing Steve only smoked when he was upset or stressed about something.

I pushed his hair from out his face "She doesn't love me" he sighed exhaling some smoke, "wait, what did she say" " pretty much just saying how everything's bullshit, i'm bullshit and this whole relationship is bullshit" I pursed my lips. Heartbreak wasn't something I could handle so I wasn't the best person to take advice from, "Was she drunk?" I questioned knowing Nancy she wouldn't just come out and say such a thing like this, unless she was drunk.

"Yes but-"

"Steve, talk to her when she's not drunk or you for that matter." I spoke trying to cheer my best friend up.

Steve stared at me, his hand going to my cheek and his thumb caressing it lightly. "Why are you such a good person" he spoke, I smiled at him about to say something sarcastic like, when his lips collided with mine.

I couldn't even react, his warm, plump lips were on mine. I allowed it only because I understood his need and the desperation behind it. He was my best friend and at this very moment I just wanted him to be loved even if it wasn't the kind of love he was looking for.

I kissed back, he picked me up placing me on the hood of his car getting in between my legs. His hands moved towards my ass giving it a squeeze, a moan escaping my lips.

That's when I knew we had to stop, he began kissing down my neck, "Steve wait" I whispered placing my hands on his chest stopping him, "I - I'm sorry" he stuttered scratching the back of his head "It's okay Harrington" I spoke bumping his arm slightly "Go home, I'll see you soon" I said watching Steve get in his car. "Hey Danica, thanks for always being here" he said I smiled humming a "mhmm" watching as he drove off.

I sighed as I decided it was time for me to head home feeling the alcohol in my system. I walked over to my car pulling the handle to the car door but only to have a strong hand be placed over my small one, "Don't go" I heard the familiar voice say.

I turned to face Billy who had a soft look in his eyes but also glossy from the alcohol "Sorry Cali even queens have curfews" I said giggling, "Well before you go just smoke one joint with me?" He asked I smiled pulling out my lighter sitting on the hood of my car while he leaned on it, I sparked it up inhaling the smoke passing it to him.

"So why did you move to Hawkins?" I asked watching as he took his share of the joint, "Dad got remarried and they wanted a fresh start" he answered passing it to me "What's California like?" "Paradise" he answered automatically "Theres so much to do, definitely different than Hawkins" he said smiling at his memories, a sigh escaping his lips.

I hopped off my car stepping in-front of him, Billy was looking down playing with his lighter, I placed my fingers under his chin making him look at me, staring into those ocean blue eyes "look at it this way, only a couple of months until graduation than you can go back to California" I spoke placing a hand on his cheek. I liked this Billy, not the cocky asshole that he showed to the world. "I like talking to you" He said leaning in for a kiss, I dodged him laughing "Still not gonna get to me Hargrove" I teased getting into my car driving away.

Unedited guys so sorry if there are mistakes.
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No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now