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Graduation day


I lit up a cigarette as I sat on the hood of my car in the school parking lot, Cap & Gown in hand with my acceptance letter to The University of Southern California in my car. My shit was already pack I was just waiting for my diploma to be placed in my hand.

"Hargrove you ready" Tommy spoke as he pop up from behind me hands on my shoulder patting them Carol by his side "Yea man, I'm ready to get out of here" I spoke walking into the school joining the line of graduates. My eyes wondered around looking for Danica but I couldn't find her, "I'll find her later" I thought as we all gathered ready to graduate.

Names were called in alphabetical order "William Hargrove!" The school principle called out causing me to groan as he said my full name. I stepped up shaking his hand "It's Billy" I spoke a little to loud causing everyone to laugh, "Congrats" he said patting my back and handing me my diploma. Next was suppose to be Danica but instead Harrington's name was called leaving both of us with a confused face. We both looked at each other wondering where she was.

The ceremony lasted another hour before Steve and I encountered each other "Where is she? She wouldn't miss graduation" He spoke causing me to smugly chuckle what a dumb question to ask. "She isn't my biggest fan right now Harrington, I wouldn't know."

"Guys" We heard turning our heads to see the Byers kid. "Where is she Byers?" Harrington questioned hoping he would know "I can't tell you"

"Are you fucking serious!" I yelled grabbing him by the collar "She wanted me to give this to you guys. He spoke pulling out a tape and handing it to Steve. I let him go snatching the tape and shoving it to the Byers boy. "Put it on now" I demanded following him to his car watching as he grabbed is video camera slipping the Cassette in.

"Okay so it's on tell them what you want, Don't hold back Danica" We heard, both Harrington and I grabbed the video camera for a better look, And there she was sitting in her room looking beautiful than ever. She sighed as she ran her fingers through her freshly straighten hair. "This is to Steve and Cali" I smiled as my nickname slipped from her lips. "So if one of you are watching this I suggest you press the stop button and get the other person to watch with you."

"I love you guys" She started causing both of us to crack a smile "Steven, You are my best friend for multiple reasons. You stood up to bullies for me, Other than my father you were the one to teach me how to fight off boys. We've been friends since we were in Pre K. Our friendship fell off but somehow we always end up together again and I know how you feel about me Steve and I love you for loving me, but our friendship means more to me than anything else and I wouldn't wanna ruin what we have." She finished I smirked and it was probably an asshole move and if Danica was here she would slap me in the back of my head and tell me to "Be nice".

She sighed and I already knew my part was coming up due to the heavy breath. "Cali, I love you with every fucking fiber in my being and I think I'll always love you, But you fucked up big time" she laughed at her words causing me to chuckle from watching. "But it's okay, I'm not mad anymore." She paused as she fumbled with her fingers biting her plump bottom lip "You have taught me what real love feels like and have mended my heart that my father had broke when he left. You are literally my rock and the times we've spent together will be the most memorable for me." She finished a stupid smile stuck on my face.

She took a deep breath before continuing "By the time you guys would have watched this I should already be in New York"

"New York?"

"I got accepted to school there and I took it, My father's also there and I kind want to try building a relationship with him if possible." She paused tears in her eyes now "I am so sorry I had to leave like this but I just wanted both of you to know how much you mean to me, I knew if I told you guys in person you would've tried to stop me. But right now I have to do what's best for me."

"I love you guy's" were her last words before the video cut off.

"We have to go get her, Bring her back" Harrington spoke causing Jonathan Byers to shake his head at him. "Didn't you hear her, she doesn't want to be here Steve"

"Well what do we do?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest "You guy's wait until she's ready to talk to you." Was all he said before leaving, getting into his car and driving off. I sighed as I pushed my hair back placing a cigarette between my lips lighting it. I walked over to my car starting it up leaving Hawkins. Harrington I assumed going back home.

My music blasted as I drove to California my mind on Danica thinking about our last moments together. We laid In bed, Silence surrounding us as my fingers traced small patterns on her naked back. "I love you, I love you, I love you" I spoke making her giggle as I kissed her face leaving wet marks on her.

"We'll be together again" she spoke pushing some hair out of my face, I caught her hand kissing her knuckles. "I'll hold you to it" I finished. I smiled thinking about her and how great she makes me feel. "I'll see her again" I said to myself, continuing to drive I finally saw the "Welcome to California" sign knowing I was finally back home.

                                                                                   The End

Guy's No Good is officially finished!!!  I wanted to keep it short ending at 20 chaps but ended up adding a few more. This was my first fanfic ever so I hope you guys enjoyed. Now here are somethings I want to clear up about Danica.....

Now don't get the wrong impression Danica is a strong independent young women she can be spicy and tough at times due to her father of course (I wanted that part of her to kinda be like me considering that I am the baby of two brothers and mainly raised by my father)  but she is also a regular teenage girl who falls in love and becomes soft, Billy being the one to get past that hard exterior and seeing her for who she is.

Danica does forgive but she doesn't forget which was why she was so hesitant on being back with Billy. She wanted to make sure that she wasn't being too soft on him and too fast on taking him back, especially after he accused her of something he should've known she would never do.

Let's talk about Steve Harrington. I think we all love Steve and I was so tempted on having them end up together but I decided against it and have Danica take this freshly new single moment to gather her thoughts and really think about her future because lets be honest at the age of 18 a lot of us start to freak out about what we want to do in life but also follow our dreams. Steve admitting his feelings for her was a long time coming and I think some of you guys even guessed from the begging that he loved her but just didn't want to say anything until the time was right.

I did not incorporate what happened to Will Byres because I wanted this to be more of romance but I did mention it at times just to draw out how Steve, Nancy, Jonathan and the boys were so close.

Lastly I just wanted to thank everyone for reading, commenting and even favoriting and adding "No Good" to your reading list that definitely means a lot to me as a first timer. I am debating on doing a sequel to No Good or just a whole new story but who knows. Thank you guys!!!!

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now