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I woke up to the sound of Billys car coming into the driveway, I looked around seeing Max in a deep sleep on the couch next to me, I looked at the time "Holy Shit" I thought 1 AM and the Hargrove's still weren't home so much for ten o'clock sharp, I sighed getting up lifting Max up, carrying her to her room, placing her on her bed and tucking her in.

As I was leaving Max's room Billy was entering the house as quietly as possible, probably thinking his dad and stepmom were home, "Billy" I spoke it came out more as a squeak but he froze in place, I walked over to him slow steps, I put my hand on his shoulder turning him around, I gasped as I saw his face. He had a forming black eye and a split lip, "What happened? Who did this?" I questioned , he chuckled a bit as I grabbed his face.

I wasn't one for conflict, only if it's self defense, "You should see the other guy" He joked. I looked at him with a are you serious look, "The kid said something I didn't like" "So you beat him up?" I questioned throwing a bag of frozen peas at him for his eye, "Yea" he answered I shook my head "Brutally handsome with a violent streak" I joked as I grabbed a damp towel for his lip, dabbing the blood away.

I leaned over him very concentrated on getting his wound cleaned up while he was looking at me, "Stop staring at me" I whispered my green eyes meeting his blue ones "I can't" he said.

Everything happened so fast, he dropped the peas while I dropped the damp towel, his hand going to the back of my neck pulling me in for a kiss, my arms automatically wrapping around his neck.

He picked me up placing me on the kitchen counter, his lips kissing down my neck as I gave him more room for his assault. My fingers moved down to the buttons on his shirt fumbling with them, noticing I was having a hard time he ripped his shirt open, buttons flying all over the place.

I giggled as he pulled my shirt over my head causing a low laugh to escape from his lips. We shedded of all our clothing. His lips moved down to my chest as he held me, his strong hands on my back as he made his assault on my peaked nipples. Moans spilling out of my mouth. His hands moved to my ass squeezing it as he picked me up carrying me over to the sofa sitting me on top of his lap.

I couldn't think straight as Billy's hands moved to my thighs positioned on either side of his lap with a new kind of hunger. I grinded on the tightness that came to life in his undergarment a throaty groan slipping past his lips. Billy lowered his shorts, his length springing out and I threw my head back as he entered me, we both moaned out loud, pleasure consuming us. I rode him as his fingers laced in my hair, his thrust meeting mine as he whispered naughty things and sweet nothings in my ear.

I was out of breath, my body glistening with sweat as I laid limp on top of him, I got off Billys lap laying next to him. Billy had his head back, his chest heaving up and down from his rapid breathing , his chest had sweat beads on it and so did his forehead.

"I should go" I said, Billy turning his head to look at me "Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked I brushed some hair out of his face placing a soft kiss on his lips but he took the opportunity to deepen it turning it passionate. I smiled against his lips "I have my car" I whispered "I still wanna take you home" he said he looked at me with such soft eyes the eyes that I could not resist, "stay here, with me" I raised my eyebrows.

Billy Hargrove master of cockiness and smug smart remarks wanted me to stay with him. I sighed a small smile on my face, I grabbed his hand, him leading me to his room and locking the door. I took my spot next to him, my head on his chest as he played with my hair until I faded into a deep sleep.

Omfggggg they had sex!!! 😭 also who else saw the royal wedding today? I live in New York so i had to wake up at 5 AM to watch 😪 Comment! Vote! 💕💕💕💕

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