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"So I was thinking party at my house tonight" Steve spoke as we entered my home "Keg Kings back " I teased bumping his shoulder "Who knows" he responded, I yelled for Dustin to come down. My kid brother running down the stairs Steve and him doing their infamous handshake that lasted a little bit to long for my liking.

"So where are you guys going?" I asked, Steve and Dustin gave each other a look than looked at me, "No girls allowed, which means you can't know" Steve spoke ruffling my hair. I slapped his hand away making him chuckle a little bit "Just don't do anything stupid" I said giving Dustin a look, He nodded his head smiling at me as they left. Steve stopped in his tracks and turned to me, "Don't worry, I got him" He reassured me, giving me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving out my door.


"Your sisters gonna kill me if she finds out, you and I both know how she feels about surprises" I spoke looking at Dustin from the rearview. "Well she won't kill us in front of people so" he spoke giving me an annoyed look.

"Look her birthday is coming up and I want to do something special, So I'd appreciate if you'd get on board" he said, I sighed "I'm always on board when it comes to Danica and since when are you this kind ?" I asked looking back at Dustin who was looking out the window disregarding my question, that's when it clicked.

"It's a girl? isn't it?" I asked "No" he responded a little to quickly, I gave him a look when he sighed and said, "Do not tell Dani okay." I pretended to lock my mouth and throw away the key, " It's Max" he blurted making me chock on my spit, "and I need advice on how to get her" he said.

"Well it all depends on what kind of girl she is. Some girls want you to be aggressive, you know. strong, hot and heavy. Like a lion. But others you have to take it slow with, stealthy like a ninja." I spoke.

"What type was Nancy?" he asked, "Uh Nance is different. she's not like other girls" I answered trying to avoid the topic. "Well what about my sister?" he questioned "Your sister? Shit Danica's in her own whole category, She's special you know. You can't find many girls like her here in Hawkins" I answered Dustin smiling at me.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, I shook my head laughing a bit

"Well how many girls do you know drive an all black Camaro? Not to mention she worked on it herself with your dad and she always has a mean right hook. She's her own women, she's smart and always has good grades even when she went through that "I don't care about anything phase" , she's never needed help or has gotten her heartbroken"

"She has" Dustin spoke, I gave him a weird look mentally asking myself by who. And as if he could read my mind he answered the question for me.

"By our father, she was pretty torn up when he left. She was daddy's little girl" he spoke, we sat there in silence Dustin changing the subject back to his crush.

"Well this girls special too, just something about her and -" I stopped the car, the tires screeching a bit. "Woah woah woah, You're not falling in love with this girl are you?" I asked getting over protected of him "Uh no" he responded trying to convince me.

"Good don't" I warned as I restarted the car

"I won't!"

"She's only gonna break your heart and you're way too young for that shit"


I examined myself in the mirror,  cropped shit with high waisted jeans and converse was a regular look for me. My air dried hair was curly and tousled to the side, I added red lipstick because why not. I slipped on my leather jacket running downstairs saying good bye to my mother. As I left my house I lit a cigarette placing it between my lips, getting in my car and driving down to Steve's house for this party.

"YOU MADE IT" Steve yelled grabbing me and spinning me around, I laughed noticing he was already drunk " and you're drunk" I spoke as he place me back on the ground, he giggled almost stumbling over but I placed my arms around him, "Eat some food and lay off the drinking until you're sober, okay?" He pouted at me saying okay and walking away into the kitchen.

I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing past the crowds of drunk sweaty teens, my eyes landing on Jonathan. "Hey J" I said he smiled at me saying a low "hi" I haven't seen much of him but I guess senior year did that to some people and after everything that had happened with Will, we all tried to live as normally as possible.

"How's Nancy?" I asked causing him to choke on his drink, I laughed at his expression "Relax, your secrets safe with me, I maybe best friends with Steve but if their relationship is meant to be than it will be." I spoke giving Jonathan a reassuring smile.

I threw my fourth drink back going up the stairs to the bathroom, I stumbled falling over a few times giggling as I did. I grabbed a door knob to one of many rooms in Steve's housing pulling myself up, only to open the door. I sobered up real quick when I saw the sight in-front of me. Billy making out with a girl, My heart hurt a little just knowing that not to long ago he was with me. I mentally scolded myself for being so weak. For liking him, for even having any type of feelings for him. My father never taught me to be so weak.

I backed out of the room only to fall on my ass, Billy looked up from the female he was with. I didn't give him time to react, I just ran down the stairs into the kitchen bumping into Steve. "Woah, hey what's going on?" He questioned, I tried my best to hide the ache and pain that took place in my heart, "Nothing, just give me another drink" I spoke Steve nodded passing me one and I downed it. Steve giving me a concerned look but I shoo'd him away.

Billy came downstairs, The blonde around his arm. his eyes met mine as he whispered something in her ear, she smiled at him as she walk into the living room area. Billy walking over to me grabbing a drink, "Sorry you had to see that princes" He spoke his words laced with sarcasm as he began to take sips from his drink.

"You're such an asshole" I spat at him "You wanna play this game Billy? because I can assure you, you'll be the one hurt" I threatened causing him to laugh "you can try babe" he spoke taking a sip of his drink. I smirked at him walking over to Steve who was chatting up some girl "Sorry Steve but you need to help your friend out right now" I thought to myself.

I grabbed Steve by the back of his neck, my lips colliding with his. His hands automatically going to my waist pulling me closer. I heard cheers and hollers as I pulled away the whole house had eyes on the situation unfolding.

My eyes left Steve's and locked with Billy's, anger evident on his face but his blue eyes flashed with hurt. His hands clenched into fist, "Now you know how it feels" I spoke Billy grabbed my arm putting pressure on it, tears dreaded to escape my eyes. Steve grabbed my hand pulling me to him, "Don't mess with my best friend" He said throwing the first punch at Billy causing the two to fight. Teens started to shout "Fight, fight ,fight!"

I got in between the two boys Jonathan pulling Steve away as I pulled Billy away dragging him out the house. "You win" I spoke my tears finally escaping,  Billy's eyes softened as he tried to grab my hands, I punched him causing him to freeze in place. "You think this is a game! You think messing with me is a game!" I screamed pushing him , his back hitting his car.

"Dani stop" he spoke grabbing my hands "I'm sorry"

I broke free of his grip tears sliding down my cheeks as I looked at him shaking my head "I'm done playing this game Hargrove" I spoke walking over to my car getting in leaving Billy in a could of dust.

Not edited guys!  so sorry if there are mistakes. Comment and Vote!!! let me know what you guys think.

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