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"Billy drive Max to the arcade" My fathers voice boomed, luckily my door was locked or he would've seen the blonde next to me spread out on my bed. She moved around a bit placing her head on my chest. "This was Danica's spot" I thought to myself as I smelt the blondes strong perfume something that couldn't compare to Danica's coconut and vanilla scent. The only thing I did like about the blonde was that she was more understanding about the "No strings attached rule" most girls I'd sleep with would be clingy and annoying.

"You have to go?" I heard my eyes still closed

"Yea" I spoke causing the blonde to shift over causing me to open my eyes looking at her "Well let me just give you one more good time before leaving " She spoke getting on top of me and slowly sliding down my length, a groan escaped my lips as I gripped onto her hips.


"Dani!" I heard as the banging on my door began, I groaned still hungover from last nights drinking with Steve who was passed out on my bedroom floor. I got up tripping over Steve "Ouch" I cringed knowing that I hurt Steve by his groan.

"What a way to wake me up" He groaned stuffing his face in his pillow "Sorry" I whispered pulling myself up to answer my door.

"What?" I asked rubbing my eyes Dustin looking at me with his arms crossed.

"I need you to drive me to the arcade" He spoke tossing me my car keys "please hurry up I need to be there in ten minutes" He told me causing me to roll my eyes, little brat thinks i'm his chauffeur.

"Time to go Stevie I have to take my brat little brother to the arcade"

"Alright well I'll see you later at Benny's" He spoke kissing my cheek and climbing out my window. I sighed as I tussled my hair slipping into the bathroom to freshen up and get dressed. I looked in my mirror going over my outfit which was simple and cute a yellow button down dress with my white sneakers. I grabbed my usual stuff off my table with a jean jacket running out and slipping into my car.

"Finally" Dustin spoke impatiently tapping his foot

"Okay okay sorry" I spoke starting the car up and driving off.

"How's the boys?" I asked pulling into the arcade parking lot seeing Mike, Will and Lucas playing a game inside, "They're okay" Dustin answered about to step out "And Will?"

"Even better"

"Make sure he's okay" I spoke keeping Dustin longer than he clearly wanted rolling his eyes to face me, "Okay okay, can I go now?" He spoke irritated. I laughed handing him five dollars for food, causing

"Thanks" he spoke giving me a small smile before slamming the door and walking into the arcade.

I got out my car lighting up a cigarette when music blasted down the rode Billys blue Camaro screeching into the parking lot. Max climbing out yelling something at her stepbrother. Her red hair whipped around due to the breeze, her little eyes looked up to see me. I gave a small wave earning a smile from her before walking into the arcade. My eyes than moved to Billy who was looking at me his eyes covered with sunglasses as he leaned back into his seat giving me a good view of the blonde sitting in the passenger seat. She had said something to him but my guess was that he wasn't even listening he was just watching me. I turned my back to him getting back in my car and driving off to Bennys Diner.


"So how was the blonde last night?" Tommy asked chuckling causing the whole group of guys to pat my back and cheer. I smirked rising my hands and putting them behind my head leaning back. "She was flexible" I joked causing the guys to cheer me on laughing, I popped a french fry in my mouth when my eyes flickered over to a girl and boy walking in.

The girl was laughing at something the kid had said as they took their seat. My heart racing when I noticed it was Danica and Harrington. I watched as they talked him telling her jokes and she laughed both turning their heads to the waitress taking their order.

"Vanilla shake with a burger and large fries" I thought to myself remembering our third date when I had brought her here, ordering her infamous regular as we sat in my car pigging out. Danica's eyes flickered to my direction her eyes holding my stare. I bit my lip just staring at her. This break up was killing me. I didn't want to be with other girls I wanted just one and that was Danica but sleeping with other girls filled the void I was feeling. I watched as she smiled basically clapping her hands like a little girl when she got her food, munching down.

"Still hung up on the queen?" Tommy asked patting my shoulder

"No" I spoke causing him to chuckle, "Don't worry Hargrove I would be too but there's plenty of bitches in the sea right" he spoke grabbing a fry causing me to roll my eyes. I didn't care about other girls, I cared about my girl. I wanted her, hell I needed her, and I was going to get her back no matter what.

No Good • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now