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"Happy birthday" I spoke looking at myself in the mirror, I was eighteen today and I wasn't looking forward on becoming older. I stared at myself noticing how much I've grown over the past three years of high school. My hair became longer, boobs got bigger and I was more curvy. I sighed slipping on my leather and going down to my car Dustin being excused from school today so I didn't have to drive him.

"Happy Birthday" I heard turning around to see Steve, a smile spread across my face. I ran down my drive way and into his arms, my legs wrapping around him causing him to stumble back into his car, laughter erupting from the both of us. I missed my best friend, we couldn't go a whole day without talking. "I'm sorry" he whispered he placed me on my feet "It's okay" I reassured hugging him.

"Well todays your birthday so what do you want to do?" Steve asked I smiled thinking about what exactly I wanted to do in celebration. "Lets keep the tradition, Benny's for breakfast." I suggested thinking about how much time we spent at Benny's diner freshman and sophomore year of high school and every year on my birthday "Hop in"  Steve spoke. we jumped into his car driving off.

"Mmmm" I hummed  the scent of french toast flinging my nostrils "Happy birthday kiddo" Benny spoke placing my plate in front of me, "Thanks Ben" I spoke giving him a small smile before he left going to the kitchen. "So you and Hargrove?" Steve questioned while I rolled my eyes "He's not that bad"

"Not that bad" Steve spoke giving me a look "The guy's a literal asshole" He argued

"Look I like him, despite his bad rep." I argued back "also you were dating Nancy" I added

"What's wrong with Nance?"

"Nothing shes great but shes just tooo perfect"

"Yea expect have feelings for jonathan" Steve spoke and I could hear the pain in his voice "Steve we all saw that coming, Will went missing and he is her little brothers best-friend"

"I know"

"So don't beat yourself up for something that would've happened either way, she loves you just not in that way anymore. And if i we're you, i'd take that any day." I finished causing Steve to sigh hoping that my words made him feel a bit better on their break up.

"So you like Hargrove?" He asked now it was my turn to sigh, "I think I more than like him. But it's definitely to early to tell" I spoke smiling to myself thinking about the idea of loving Billy Hargrove.

"He just better not hurt you" Steve warned going into protective mode I smiled at him ruffling his hair "You'd be the first to kick his ass if he does."


I stood outside in the school parking lot for about an hour realizing she wasn't coming in today.
"She's not coming bro" Tommy spoke as he lit up a cigarette, "How do you know?" I scoffed lighting a cigarette of my own "It's her birthday"

This threw me off, we never spoke about her birthday "So this is a thing?" I questioned

"Yea, Harrington picks her up and they go to Bennys Diner. We all use to be included but when freak Beyers brother went missing it was just Jonathan, Nancy, Steve and our sweet Danica."

"What do you mean missing?"

"Shit well nobody really knows. He went missing in the woods, police found a body ID'd to be him but one day he just showed up"

I was confused as to why she didn't tell me this. I asked her to be my girl you would think she'd tell me all of this crap that has gone on in her life or at least tell me her birthday was coming up.

"There's a party tonight for her, it's a surprise of course. Close family and friends in the early hours and during the late half the school is invited" Tommy spoke inhaling some smoke.

"I guess we'll see the queen tonight than" I spoke tossing my cigarette to the ground and walking off to the school. I tried not to be angry or annoyed taking deep breaths with every step I took but just knowing Harrington was with my girl got to me, But i'll be seeing them tonight.


I giggled as my friends and family sang happy birthday to me, Steve putting some cake on my face. It was a surprise and I deeply hated surprises but Dustin planned this which was very sweet on his part so I figured why not enjoy it. Music played and Steve grabbed my hand to dance, "I hate surprises" I spoke Steve smiling down at me "yea but I couldn't exactly say no to your brother, he's very persuasive" he spoke causing me to giggle and only think about what Dustin had over him.

I turned my head to see Nancy and Jonathan talking, Nancy smiling and laughing with him "So how do you feel about that?" I asked nodding my head in their direction he sighed "It hurts a bit but not as much as it use too." He spoke answering me honestly and I couldn't be more happier, it takes awhile to get over a heartbreak but I was glad he was in that "I care but I don't care stage."

"I'm gonna go get a drink, you want?"


I walked over to the small table grabbing a drink. I look at my surroundings, the boys and max in the corner of the room talking about some game, my mom and chief Hopper deep into conversation.

"It's nice isn't it?" I heard, I turned around seeing Nancy sipping on her drink. I took a deep breath "it is" I responded.

"I'm sorry" she spoke making me a bit confused

"For what?"

"For Steve" she answered which made me even more confused, she shouldn't be apologizing to me she should be apologizing to Steve.

"Uh Nance it's - "

"I was jealous, jealous of you and Steves friendship." She confessed cutting me off, "You and Steve are insanely inseparable. You guys know each other like the back of your hands. The way he looks at you I could tell he loves-"

"He loves you Nance, he's always loved you" I spoke cutting her off, I didn't want to know what she was about to say and there was no way in hell I was gonna let that shit get into my head.

"Old folks and kids have left the building, are you ready for the real party" Jonathan spoke coming up from behind us.

"Why not."

After a couple of hours Steves house was full of kids from school. Everyone was dancing, drinking and making out. The house decorated with balloons and a happy birthday banner with a two tier cake in the kitchen. After a couple of drinks I felt more loose I figured why not get trashed Steve would take care of me.

"Steve thank you" I spoke pulling him in for a hug "anything for you" he answered wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well well well, theres the birthday girl"

My eyes met Billys, they were glassy and I could already tell he was drunk, Steve let go of me a groan slipping past his lips but I gave him a look basically saying "behave".

"Cali" I spoke grabbing his hands the look of irritation falling from his face, I pulled him into a hug, "Happy Birthday" He whispered his arms wrapping around me tightly, "I have a gift for you" He spoke pulling away I smiled as he led me outside. We got to his car and he went over to the trunk telling me to close my eyes.

"This was last minute" he spoke I opened my eyes to see a necklace with a tiny letter B on it, "Just so you don't forget about me" he added, I smiled grabbing him and pulling him in for a kiss. It was long and passionate. We pulled away out of breath his forehead on mine, his fingers laced with mine.

"Sorry about not telling you about my birthday" I said "it kinda slipped my mind, I don't really like to celebrate getting older but my kid brother and Steve planned this whole surprise thing and - "

"Shh" he spoke cutting me off pressing his lips to mine. I was in a haze and like vomit the words just came out "I love you".

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