ᴅᴜᴇ : ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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Past (3 years ago)

My surroundings were hazy as I began to awake from my slumber. The object beneath me was heavenly soft and warm; I snuggled into the comforter that provided me with warmth. The humid air was thick with tobacco smoke. Cigarettes? Nobody smoked cigarettes in my parent's manor, it was one of their rules, and nobody dared to break them. I shot up in the bed, startled and feverishly glanced around the room I was occupying. My gaze stopped on the right-hand corner of the dimly lit room, where a male figure was slumped over in an armchair. The male inhaled the cigarette perched between his lips and exhaled deeply, causing a halo of smoke to appear around his head.

So that's where the smell of cigarettes was coming from.

Cautiously, I peeled back the covers and noticed I wasn't wearing the same outfit that I was wearing the previous day. Instead, I was dressed in a cream jumper and some white joggers.

"Did you change me?" I said nervously, my voice lower than a whisper.

My hands were slightly trembling, and I didn't have a clue where I was or why I was here.


"Did you-

"Yes," He bluntly stated, cutting me off.

A blush tainted my cheeks.

"Why" I questioned.

"Because I can." He said. I couldn't see his face, due to it being shadowed by the dimly lit room.

"Why I am I here?" I questioned changing the subject.

"Because I want you to be" He replied cockily. I could almost feel the arrogance that was seeping off of him.

"Who do you think you-

"Do not speak to me like that" He rudely interrupted, standing.

"Or what?" I replied cheekily.

"Or I will punish you" He stated darkly.

"You can't do that, I won't allow you to do that" I started blushing, embarrassed at his audacity.

"What are you going to do Bambina?" He teased, his tone dripping with curiosity and laced with mock.

"I-I..." I began, but I was speechless.

"I'll tell you what you will do. Nothing. Nothing because if you do, you will regret it" He said, in a threatening tone.

"You can't tell me what I can and can't do" I said sassily.

"Oh, but that's where you are wrong Bambina, I own you. You are mine. Therefore, I control you. I am the boss, not you. Therefore, you will obey me, no questions asked. Do you understand baby?" He said cockily, emphasising 'will'.

"You don't own me, and I am not an object" I stated angrily, my molars gritting together in frustration.

"I said. Do. You. Understand" He said slowly, getting impatient.

"NO. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. I. AM. NOT. YOUR'S" I shouted angrily, abruptly standing.

Suddenly, he slammed me up against the wall — his arms on both sides of my head.

"I don't like to repeat myself Leonessa so that I will say this one more time. You. Are. Mine." He stated darkly.

I struggled against his large frame, shoving at his stone-like chest. Capturing my wrists in both of his hands, he restrained me against the wall.

"Let. Go. Of. Me" I demanded frustratingly.

He chuckled. "Is Bambina getting angry?" He whispered in my ear, teasingly.

"Let. Go. Of. Me" I repeated.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and his expression turned from amused to stone- cold in two seconds. Releasing me, he ran his hands through his hair.

"Get showered and dressed, wear the red dress on the right-hand side of the wardrobe. You've got 30 minutes; the maids will bring you to my office. Do not be late; I despise tardiness." He demanded and swiftly left the room, slamming the door behind him.


Bambina:.  Baby

Leonessa:. Lioness

Word Count:. 900

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