ᴛʀᴇɴᴛᴀꜱᴇɪ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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And when her halo broke, she carved the two halves into horns. ~ Unknown.

TRIGGER WARNING: Non- consensual scene ahead.


Past (3 years ago).

We ascend the steps at a fast pace, I could feel my heart thumping against my ribcage, each fearful beat erupted from my heart, it skipped a few times. In- turn, demonstrating how scared I was feeling. It was abnormally loud, and I could feel it pulsing throughout my body.

I knew where we were headed. His room. I also knew why we were going there, I wasn't that naive. I knew what happened after you were wedded to someone. The difference between this marriage and others is that I wasn't looking forward to it.

I was dreading it. Newlyweds crave this moment, they think of it as an initiation to their marriage. To seal their love. But, between Mr Morelli and I there was not an ounce of love between us. It was pure hatred. At least from my point of view, that is.

He slammed his bedroom door open, obtrusively and promenaded over to where his large bed laid. He belligerently flung me onto the bed like I was a rag doll.

This felt like deja vu, the only difference this time is that I knew that this was going to be a lot worse. Maybe not physically, but emotionally.

I scooted myself back until my head banged against the headboard of his bed. It startled me as I knew that I was stuck, I couldn't distance myself any further from him. My lips were quivering as if I was shivering from the cold, however, they were doing so due to horror.

I was never one to show my fear, I tended to inhabit it deep within me. Because I knew that demonstrating your fear showed weakness, therefore people could manipulate and hurt you more. So, I used to disguise it with a smirk or an emotionless expression.

But, that oblivious exterior seemed to be proven useless now as it was shining through as if it was the sun. I found myself showing my fear. I couldn't put this facade up any longer and I knew it was because I was aware of what was going to happen.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to stop him, especially when he is hyped up on lust and determination. He was blinded by it. Plus, he had an advantage of strength, compared to me. He had been building his stamina for his entire life and he knew that he was physically stronger than me. And he knew that he could use that to his advantage and my disadvantage.

He was advancing towards me with that same calculative smirk smothered upon his face. This time though it held something else, something darker. Sinister, some people would even describe it as. It was as if he knew that I was the helpless one in this situation as he was getting off on it.

He crawled upon the bed until he was positioned above me, I tried to use my legs to move him. But, he parted my legs so that he was situated between them, so that I couldn't kick him in his jewels.

He had planned this whole thing out. I thought, my mind was jumbled with different tactics. I was trying to find a way to avoid this mess.

My body went rigid, it was as if I was suffering from paralysis. I couldn't move, no matter how hard I attempted to. I was frozen in dismay. However, I was determined to not allow him victory, especially like this. I wasn't going to give in that easily.

So, I patiently raised my arms and shoved his shoulder aggressively, to push him off of me. But, all I felt was pure muscle, like a brick wall.

Fuck! He must be on a lot of steroids or some shit! I thought, taken aback by his exterior.

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