ᴅɪᴄɪᴀꜱꜱᴇᴛᴛᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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Past (3 years ago).

It's now been seven days since I have been trapped here. Seven days. A whole week. Two days since he had lashed me with the whip on my back. Mr Morelli had had a doctor he knew to come and check on me and professionally treat my wounds, who subscribed me with a course of painkillers, to reduce the pain.

They feel better and look as if they are healing well enough, but that won't change the fact that they are going to leave scars. That I am always going to have them as a constant reminder, to remind me of what he has done to me.

Honestly, I am sick of being stuck here. I want to go outside, actually live my life and be free. Away from this awful time in my life and especially away from him. I would do anything, I am that desperate. There is nothing to do here, other than get up, get showered, eat breakfast, wait around until lunch and then so- on.

It's been the same continuous cycle for the past seven days now, it's boring the hell out of me. I just want to read a book or explore the outside a little. I wouldn't even mind being able to roam around the garden, I would be grateful for that. I just want to do something, no I need to do something. Otherwise, I going to lose my Goddamn mind in this place.

In- fact, I am going to march down to his office right this instant and demand to have some type of freedom or at least something to keep me occupied whilst being held hostage in this boring mansion.

On the other hand, I am not going to demand, I am going to be polite to him for once. Since if I show him disrespect by demanding something from him, he most- likely wouldn't let me have it. So, I am going to take a leaf from his book and be sly and manipulative to get what I want. What I need.


So, here I am, currently stood directly outside of the intimidating double doors of his office. I am quite nervous, as I don't know what to expect as his reply.

It's probably going to be a no. I thought, annoyed.

Mustering up the courage, I knock. Loudly, but subtly. I hear his deep, power- drenched voice command,

"Come in."

Opening one of the heavy doors, I step into the spacious vicinity. It's everything that I had remembered it to be, the same as it was when I was here a few days prior. I now move my gaze to him, but he is not on me. He is occupied with the sleek, black laptop that is perched on top of his desk. His eyes scanning the screen rapidly.

Clearing my throat though seems to snap him out of his trance and capture his attention. I see a flash of emotion on his face, but it gets replaced by the same expressionless one he always has within 0.5 of a second. Shock. It was shocking, he must have been surprised to see me here in his office. Wanting to talk to him, willingly that is.

"What is it that I can do for you, Valentinia?" He questions, politely.

Now it's my turn to be shocked, he was being polite. To me. He's not lecturing me for once. That's a first. Still surprised, I question.

"I was wondering if I could maybe wander around the gardens, or if there is a library that could be put to some use? I mean, I am bored. There is nothing around here for me to do, I've been stuck in the same few rooms for the past seven days, Mr. Morelli. If I was occupied I wouldn't be causing you a hassle or have to pull you away from your work. It would benefit both of us."

"What makes you think that I would let you have such luxuries? I mean you have done nothing but display disrespect to me since you have arrived here." He argued, whilst tipping his head to the side, curiously.

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