QᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀQᴜᴀᴛᴛʀᴏ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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From every wound, there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, I survived. ~ Fr. Craig Scott

Forget the past, remember the lesson. ~ Unknown.

There is no safe way to remain in a relationship with a person who has no conscience. The only solution is to escape. ~ Unknown.


Past (3 years ago).

"Tut, tut, tut..."

My composure stiffened entirely, and a biting shudder vibrated down the length of my spine, from those three words. I kneeled beside Alessio, my body frigid. Immobile. It was as if I was paralysed, I couldn't move, I could barely blink. Never mind Alessio being in a state of shock, I think I hold that title as of right now.

"A mere plank of wood. Really? You thought that that would bring me down? I have to say Leonessa, I thought that you were smarter than that. Not even a knife can hold me back from you, as we have ruled that one out already." He voiced from behind me, his tone mocking, but livid.

I should have known that a piece of wood wouldn't keep him down for long, I was too caught up in the moment to check that he was fully unconscious before dropping my guard and rushing over to aid Alessio. I hadn't thought, I just acted out in desperation. Desperate to save Alessio. I won't allow what happened to Acer to happen to him, I couldn't handle another person getting hurt or dying because of me.

I need to try harder, I can't allow him to hold all of the power anymore.

If Mr Morelli killed Alessio, I am almost positive that he would regret it. He has been his right- hand man since before he created his 'Mafia', he helped him get to where he is today. Helped him to achieve everything that he has today.

It would be cruel and selfish of him to kill him, not that he isn't already. It would also make him stupid and foolish, as Alessio is one of the strongest and greatest assets of his establishment. It would be idiotic of him to eliminate him because he had 'disobeyed' him. Now thinking of it, he is fucking petty, all because his precious ego had been hurt.

"Do you not have anything to say now, Leonessa? What happened to that smart mouth of yours? The one that I love and despise at the same time." He taunted, I could practically hear the smirk that I was sure to be on his face.

His footsteps neared me, reverberating throughout the walls of the basement. Each step as calculated as the one before it, inching closer in a threatening aspect.

"Still silent. As quiet as a Leonessa, before she suddenly pounces." He continued to voice his thoughts, ticking me off with each word. Whilst simultaneously slithering closer, like a snake.

"Are you going to pounce on me, Leonessa? I love ferocious women, you're my ferocious woman. You've shown me that you are feisty, but how far does that go? Why don't you show me?" He continued to deride, my heartbeat was speeding up and my nails were digging into my palms in annoyance and anger.

I took deep breathes, trying to calm myself down. I knew what game he was playing, he was trying to get me to snap and if I did that I would be playing right into his manipulative hands.

"Do you bite, Leonessa? Show me that temper of yours." His hot breath skimmed against my neck, as he was now stood directly behind me. His teeth nipping at my ear in a teasing manner and his tongue sliding down my neck, causing me to quiver in resentment.

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