ᴛʀᴇɴᴛᴀᴛʀᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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Every marriage has two hearts, one light and one dark. ~ Stephen King.

We sin as devils do and we love as angels do. ~ Unknown.


Past (3 years ago

"Will, you just release me now?" I complained, sighing. I decided to ignore his little heart to heart as it was probably all a lie anyway, just to get me to submit. His game.

He complies, which I am surprised by. He releases my arms, before lifting himself off of my frame. I rub my sore wrists and examine that they are slightly red, his finger marks could be easily distinguished. Standing up, I avoid making eye contact with him as the atmosphere that surrounds us is awkward and very tense.

"I expect you to be ready by 7:00 pm tonight, don't be late. Otherwise, you will be facing the consequences. I will not be humiliated in front of my guests- our guests, so I expect you to be on your best behaviour. Or else your little friend will die." He declared, his face now impassive. Gone the admiration. Just a slight frown plastered upon his face. With that said, he exited the room.

I stood there speechless. What the hell?

Walking slowly out of the room and towards the place that I was currently sleeping in, I decided to look for a first aid kit.

The foolish idiot didn't even think to suggest where it was. I mean I can't get flipping married if I have a gaping wound in my thigh, can I? Not that I wanted to marry him anyway. I thought, sarcastically.

Rummaging through the neat cabinets- well now messy cabinets, I eventually came across a box with a signature red cross on it.

This must be it, it has a first aid cross on it. If not, then I don't a clue what it is. I'm being really stupid right now, of course it is a fucking first aid box. I thought, annoyed with my silliness.

Taking out the disinfectant, needle and medical stitches material I prepare myself for the pain to come. But, firstly I clean my incision, wiping away all of the dried blood and pouring some of the disinfectants into the wound. In- turn, causing me to release a small scream.

That fucking hurts. I thought, scrunching up my face painfully.

Taking a deep breath, I throw that to the side and carefully begin to pierce the needle through my skin, causing it to bleed a little due to me pinching the sensitive flesh. I continued to loop the needle through my wound, imitating what I did with Acer.

I didn't even know if I was doing this fucking correctly, but what I did know was that I had to pull it closed, tightly. For it to heal properly and prevent possible infection. My teeth were clenched firmly together, I was trying to ignore the piercing pain that emitted from the slash wound.

Finally finishing and tying the thread into a tight knot at the end to prevent it from unravelling, I relax onto the edge of the counter. Breathing out a large exhale. I then poured some more disinfectant onto a towel that I had discovered in this restroom and gently dabbed at my stitched up would. Ensuring that it wouldn't get infected or dirty.

Also, I observed my head from when he pushed me and found a slight cut. It wasn't too bad, so I just cleaned it and left it. It wasn't visible, so that's good.

Walking back into the bedroom I find two white boxes. One large and one small. Both were laid out neatly upon the bed.

When did they get there? I thought, confused by the magical appearance of the boxes.

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