ᴅᴏᴅɪᴄɪ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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Past (3 years ago).

Sitting in the limousine, tense, silent atmosphere envelopes around us. 'Us' meaning me and Mr Morelli. After that vicious disagreement, he proceeded to drag me out of the event with a fuming look on his face. When we arrived at the limousine he roughly threw me into the car, like I was a sack of potatoes. Which I found to be very rude, however, I didn't want to anger him any further by voicing my sarcastic comments.

So, here we are, him looking like he is going to destroy everything within his vicinity and me with an unsure expression on my face. I'm dreading for when we arrive at his mansion, I just want this journey to last for as long as possible. Well, for as long as it takes until he has calmed the fuck down. He needs anger management, he nearly knocked a poor lady over whilst storming out of that event. He was like a bull who had seen red, completely out of control.

Unfortunate for me the limousine came to a pause outside of the mansion. We had to arrive at one point, might as well get this over with now. I thought.

The Chauffeur opened my door, but before I could step my foot out of the car, Mr Morelli grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder. Before he determinedly stormed into the mansion, with me graciously bouncing on his shoulder with every vicious step he took.

Slamming the door open with his other arm that wasn't holding me upon his shoulder, he continued to walk through the large manor. Stopping at a singular black matt door with a keypad, he punched in the correct code aggressively. When the code was accepted with a ping, he threw the door open and dropped me on the hard, wooden floor. I was tempted to say, 'That hurt your dickhead' but I managed to prevent myself from doing so, as it would only bring me more harm than it would good.

Observing the peculiar place, I noticed various types of torture devices and weapons confined within the spacious room. My stomach dropped. Is he going to use these on me? He did say that this punishment was going to be more severe than the last. But, he wouldn't hurt me badly would me? He wouldn't go as far as torturing me. He couldn't. But would he? I thought.

He warned you. You brought this upon yourself, you disobeyed him. My subconscious stated.

I shouldn't have to change and be submissive to him. He should accept me the way I am and not demand me to obey him. I should be allowed to as I please, it's called free- will. He shouldn't punish me just because I'm being myself! I argued back.

Mr Morelli looked like he was going to skin me alive when he came over to where he had dropped me and proceeded to grab me within his arms. Carrying me to the side of the room which had hooks lining the ceiling, he tossed me onto the floor as if I was a rag doll.

"I wish you would stop manhandling me." I said, frustrated with his acts.

"I wish you would shut the fuck up. I've had it with your attitude, Valentinia. Now I am going to show you just what happens when people disrespect me and break my rules." He sneered, his eyes completely consumed with rage.

"Follow your rules. Really? I shouldn't have to or be expected to follow any rules. I'm my person I should be allowed to do what the fuck I want, without anyone's fucking permission." I sneered back, losing my temper.

"Rules are made to be followed, Valentinia. Not to be constantly broken, especially by an insignificant little girl." He stated, angrily.

"A little girl? Are you being serious? Have you ever heard how fucking stupid you sound? Calling me that all because you want to make yourself look and sound more superior. You're a significant little man, Mr Morelli. You have a constant need to control people just because you are insecure, and you know you are a nobody.

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