ᴄɪɴQᴜᴀɴᴛᴀ ꜱᴇᴛᴛᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be. ~ Unknown.


Past (1 year and 9 months ago).

"The colours merge in unity and the star's flutter and are sprinkled across the sky like fairy dust."

"Who knew you were so imaginative, Elia." I stated, whilst gazing at the other world dancing within the sky.

"There are a lot of things that remain unknown to you and are yet to be revealed." He replied, teasingly raising his eyebrows in a flirtatious manner.

I laughed in response, and soon he did too. In unity, we giggled, freely. We didn't look at one another, we communicated in a different sense.

Through the beauty of the indigo celestial sphere.

"You have a unique way with your words, Elia. But, I couldn't have described it any better. It truly is a rare sight to behold." I voiced after a few moments of silence.

The slight breeze disrupted my once neatly done hair, whistling through the petite doors of the balcony. Like a bluebird singing its dawn chorus.

"Do you believe in magic?" I once again voiced, letting out a deep exhale of air.

My eyes slowly fluttered shut. Not from exhaustion. But, from the appreciation of the cool air fanning against my face. Reminding me that I am alive.

"Magic?" He repeated.

I was not quite sure whether he was testing the word on his lips, or confirming what I had said.

"Yes, magic. Have you never heard of anybody uttering it before?" I questioned, my eyes still closed, but still fully aware of my surroundings.

"I've heard it before, but only in stories, fairy tales. Ones that mothers and fathers read to their children before they go to sleep, freeing them if their worries and deceiving them into thinking the world is pure.

I've heard of it, but I have never related it to reality. I have never once interpreted that it could be real, I have never thought too. If magic was real, would anybody be suffering right now?

Because if it is, then magic brings pain and it brings agony. Not miracles. Energy brings miracles. So, I guess that answers your question. I don't believe in magic, Vei." He answered, his tone sounding neutral. But, I could hear a flicker of resentment.

I understand why he doesn't, he's experienced a lifetime of misfortune and he's only twenty-two years of age.

"But, do you ever wonder to yourself, is there anything above science? Something greater than God, something that we have no knowledge or understanding of. Something that could be the antidote to our suffering; the pain that we experience.

I don't know, maybe I could be overthinking and exaggerating, but I can't help but think that we all suffer for a reason. It isn't for nothing. We have to go through the anguish, to attain what we all yearn for.

Happiness." I whispered, my eyes now open.

They were contemplating with the stars, thinking outside of the box. Tearing apart my mind, so that is sprawled out within the gleam of the night.

"Maybe there is, but we will all be dead before we can ever experience the happiness we need. That type of happiness doesn't exist in a world like ours, Vei. It deceives us into thinking that it does, but it doesn't.

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