ᴠᴇɴᴛɪᴛʀÉ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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Past (3 years ago).

My vision was hazy as I started to become conscious. The left side of my ribs was pulsing with a razor-sharp, vibrating pain. In- turn, causing me to hiss out in anguish, holding my bottom lip between my teeth in a bruising manner.

Why the fuck did I decide to go out? I should have known that he had a trick under his sleeve to arrive back early, he's done it before. He's everywhere. I can't escape him. In fact, no! What am I thinking? I have the fucking right to go out if I decide to.

I am not going to continue to let him make me miserable. I had the right to have fun and let go for once, I'm sick of everyone thinking that they can control me. My parents previously, now him. When am I going to get a break? I thought, hopelessly.

Honestly, I just want to have an easy life, but I know that is not possible. Not for anyone. I want to be a teenager, a normal nineteen-year-old girl. We're the only major thing that I had to worry about, was getting detention or getting my homework finished by the deadline and passing my class. I crave that life, but I know that it isn't reality. It isn't my reality. It never will be, and I will have to learn to accept that. I guess that I am beginning to now.

Anyway, I need to stop throwing myself a pity party and dreaming about a fantasy, that will never come true. I need to get up, out of this bed of my dried blood and clean myself up. I need to see what damage he has done to me this time. It's sad how this has happened before, that I have to walk on eggshells around him because if I even look at him the wrong way, I will get 'punished'. I shouldn't have to live this way. Constantly fearing what he will do to me if I break one of his rules.

Now I can say that I understand how a woman or man feels when they are in a domestic abusive relationship. That's what my situation is, isn't it? I don't know. I mean he harms me physically, mentally and emotionally. But, haven't I done the same, targeting his weak spots? Trying to manipulate him and I have slapped him multiple times. So, does that make me just as bad as him?

No! You haven't murdered people! You haven't tortured people so much that they beg and crave for their death. You haven't corrupted so many people that you have lost count of how much! You have only defended yourself! Nothing more, nothing less. It is not your fault. I assured myself, with my thoughts.

Just wanting to forget and move on, I stand up with great difficulty, as my ribs are still racking my body with pain. I walk cautiously over to the mirror and reluctantly move the ripped fabric of my dress over my head. That was such a lovely dress. I concluded, disappointed.

I didn't even get to thank Andrea for last night. I wonder where she is? I hope that she is okay, but I have a feeling that I will never be seeing her again. I don't think that he would kill her, she is his friend. I mean sure, he doesn't kill his friends, right?

A gasp escapes my lips, as my eyes capture the infected area on the left side of my ribs. The laceration looked repulsive, almost making me gag. It was infected, the area was smothered with inflammation, the red areas bulged out in a gruesome way.

The purulent, yellow discharge was exiting my wound. The jagged edges just made it appear more hideous. However, I could still see clearly what was etched into my flesh, as it was ingrained so deep. It brought tears to my eyes.

'V.M'. That is what he so mercilessly carved into my skin. His name. He was right. I am now officially his. My body even proves it now. He has managed to win over my body, but I forbid to let him steal my heart and my soul as well. He took my body forcefully, unwillingly, cruelly. But, I will never let him gain the advantage of making me fall in love with him. I will be damned to hell before I let that happen.

Theoretically talking, if I do by any chance feel any love towards him, I will never succumb to it. I will never let him win, ever. But, I know one thing for sure and that is, he will never own my soul.


Currently, I am listening to Edna ramble on about a topic that I am not even listening to. It's not that I am being ignorant, it's because I feel like my entire being is on fire. I can feel the beads of sweat carefully running a fine trail down my face and my back.

"Cara, are you feeling okay? You don't look too well." Edna questioned. Her eyes were wide in concern.

"Yeah, erm... I'm fine, I'm just too hot... that's all." I barely replied, breathless. Everything was bleary and out of focus, I couldn't centre my eyes anywhere.

My vision was beginning to blur, and the room was beginning to spin around me, in circles. It was as if I was on a carousel, only now I wasn't laughing or having fun in any perspective.

"Cara? You are sweating excessively. Are you coming down with something?" Edna persistently probed. Her voice growing louder, I could detect the panic laced in her words.

"T-tired. I'm just tired." I stuttered, trying to adjust my vision back to its normal state. But, it deemed worthless, it just deteriorated.

What is happening? I thought, in and out of consciousness. My chest feeling tighter, narrower with each inhale and exhale.

"Valentinia, what's wron- she began, but I was barely awake, so I couldn't hear her finish. Everything was confusing, I had no control over my body. It was as if I wasn't even there anymore like I was floating on a cloud.

However, before I fully succumbed into the darkness, I faintly heard her call 'Valentin', her tone desperate. And then I lost my balance and crashed to the floor, with a loud 'CRASH!"


I felt myself swaying within somebody's arms, my body was aching continuously. I just needed to rest, to sleep it off.

"Roberto, vieni subito. La tua Regina has bisogno di assistenza medica, soffre de una lacerazione infetta sul lato sinistro delle costole vieni subito, altrimenti it unciderò." A deep, chilling voice barked.

"W-what's happening?" I questioned, weakly. I was so confused. Who was I with? Where am I?

"Shh, Leonessa. My brand is infected. This never would have happened if you would have just obeyed me. Stupida Ragazzina." He hissed, his voice was deep, you could easily detect the anger draped within it.

However, I didn't take any notice of his lecture, as I felt my life being sucked into the darkness. Willingly. I was so tired.


"Roberto, vieni subito. La tua Regina has bisogno di assistenza medica, soffre de una lacerazioneinfettasullatosinistrodellecostolevieni subito, altrimenti it unciderò, personalmente.":. Roberto, come immediately. Your Queen requires medical assistance, she is suffering from an infected laceration to left hand side of her ribs. Come immediately, or else I will kill you, personally.

Leonessa:. Lioness

StupidaRagazzina:. Stupid Little Girl

Word Count:. 1321

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