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The Real monsters ~ 'Our mothers tell us that there are no monsters under our beds, but they don't warn us that sometimes monsters come dressed as people that claim to love you more than the sun loves the moon.' ~ Nikita Gil


Past (3 years ago).

Currently, I was seated at the breakfast bar swirling my spoon around my cereal. I didn't have an appetite.

I wonder why that is? I thought, sarcastically.

I can't believe the events that took place yesterday. I mean spanking me. Really? I'm nineteen years old for fuck's sake. He dared to assault me, then display no sympathy after he did it. The cheek. And then he dared to get angry with me. Me. As if I was the one that had inflicted pain upon him, just because I ignored him.

Anyone in the right mind would ignore the individual that had just harmed and humiliated you. He made me feel so small. I hate him, he deserves to burn in the gateways of hell. Just wait until I set my eyes on him, I will show him who's boss.

"Cara, what are you thinking so hard about?" Edna questioned.

She's such a selfless and sweet person. Completely contrasting against him. I thought, bitterly.

"Nothing." I replied, short and sweet.

"I can tell something is bothering you. I brought up a man like Valentin for the majority of his existence. I could tell that there was something wrong with him as well this morning. He was awfully quiet, with a scowl on his face. So, tell me, Cara, what is wrong." She asked.

"When has he not got a scowl on his face, Edna? And from what I know so far he is not a man of many words." I replied, ignoring her persistence on what is wrong.

"Did he do something?" She questioned, alarmed.

Yeah, he punished me. I recalled, sarcastically. I can't tell her that though, she will think of me as a weak girl who cannot stand up for herself.

"No. Just being a conceited asshole. You know, the usual." I replied, firmly.

Not sounding fully convince with my answer she asked,

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm one hundred per cent sure, Edna. Now please can we drop this topic?" I replied, frustrated.


Beginning to feel guilty with how I spoke to her I said,

"Sorry, I didn't mean to take it out on you Edna. I know you're only trying to help, but I'm sick of being stuck surrounded by the same walls. Before I could go out of my house freely, without being watched every second of the day. My parents didn't even notice I would disappear, I just miss the freedom that's all. What I would do to just breath the purified, fresh air of the outside.

I guess I am just frustrated with how everything I had was ripped away from me, cruelly. If I had just stayed home. Or if I had parents that cared for me, I wouldn't have been kidnapped by a Mafia boss. I wouldn't have to be his wife." I finished pouring my heart out.

Edna looked at me with sympathy- I hate that look- and said,

"Cara, I am deeply sorry that this happened to you, but you have to think of the positive side of this. Now you have someone that cares deeply for you, that will do anything in his power to keep you safe. As soon as people here that you are to be Valentin Morelli's spouse, they won't even look at you in the wrong way.

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