ꜱᴇᴛᴛᴇ : ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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Past (3 years ago).

Awakening to a throbbing pain in my head, I notice that I am in a murky, darkroom. Attempting to lift my hand to examine my scorching cheek, I find myself to be paralysed.

What? Why can't I move? I panicked. Glancing down, I find myself to be restrained to a chair. An uncomfortable chair at that.

Observing the basement, I was placed in, I noticed that it was severely deprived of a good clean. The tiles were stained with substances that appeared like faeces, blood and urine. I cringed, not wanting to know the amount of torture that this room held. There were even chains hanging over the pipes, giving me the impression that's where he tortured his victims. By making them helpless by restraining them and then letting them endow his wrath.

"Sadistic Bastard!" I mumbled to myself, disgusted.

Looking at my current state, I notice that my binds consisted of cable ties. They were wound tightly around my wrists and ankles. Suffocating my circulation. Attempting to try and loosen the cruel gesture, I failed drastically. Solemnly, I accepted the fact that I wouldn't be able to free myself from his cruel bindings. Hopeless. He made me well and truly hopeless. Knowing that's what he wanted me to be.

Frustrated with the fact that the bindings are prohibiting me from any movement, I relaxed into the chair. Well as much as I could. I thought, bitterly.

Just wait till' I get my hands on him. I will show him that he kidnapped the wrong person. Just you wait, you pathetic bast-

"What are you thinking so hard about, Piccolo?" The moron that put me in this predicament questioned. When did he come? I thought.

"That as soon as you cut me loose from these binds, I'm going to kill you!" I said, fiercely.

"Oh, and if I don't cut you loose?" He said, amused.

"Then I will find a way myself," I replied, determined.

"Tell me? How are you going to do that? I am sure that I tightened those binds quite efficiently." He stated, smugly.

"Is this how you treat the woman that is to be your wife? Because this isn't persuading me to give you a chance." I said.

"Bambina, I'm not trying to persuade you to give me a chance, as you define it. The fact here is that you don't have a choice, whether you are to give me a chance or not. You are to be my wife willingly or by force, it's inevitable" He states, sternly.

"Have you ever heard of human rights, idiot? I'll answer that for you. No. You haven't. You don't even know the meaning of human rights. So, I'll tell you about using my vocabulary. It defines as, I can do what I want, however, I want, whenever I want and that is without your permission or consent. You got that? Or do you need me to repeat it, with you being an idiot and all?" I said, cockily.

He bursts out laughing. Like as in full-blown hysterics. What the hell is he laughing at? Is he mocking me? I questioned internally, frowning.

"Oh, I've heard of it Leonessa. However, I have my version of human rights. They define as, you do whatever I want, whenever I tell you too, however, I want you too. You got that? Or, do I need to repeat them for you, baby?" He said, mimicking me.

"How about no?" I replied, sarcastically.

"Well then, I'm going to have to change that answer of yours. Aren't I?" He said, mischievously.

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