Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀꜱᴇᴛᴛᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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You can speak with spiritual eloquence, pray in public, and maintain a holy appearance... But it is your behaviour that reveals your true character. ~ Steve Maraboli


Past (2 years and 2 months ago).

My head was slightly throbbing as I awoke, looking down at the floor that I was laying upon I notice a slim piece of wood lying there.

She fucking hit me with that? Did she think that a mere plank of wood would keep me down and bring me to my destruction? I thought, sarcastically.

Just you wait until I get my hands on you Valentinia, you will regret your pathetic actions.

You would have thought that she would have just fucking given up by now and just listen to me, like the perfect little wife. But, no, she hasn't submitted to me yet and it is fucking driving me up the wall. She thinks that she can overplay me, she is so stupid. Idiotic. Foolish. I will wring her fucking neck.

I lifted myself from off of the solid, bleak concrete and went to grab her from Alessio's grasp. How dare he fucking touch my Moglie? How dare she accept his touch when she doesn't accept mine?

My jaw was clenching together forcefully, and my teeth were clamping together vigorously in acrimony. I could hear them grinding against one another with such violence that I could almost hear them cracking in defeat.

I was a few mute steps away from them, but I halted my movements when I heard what they were discussing.

"Speranza- Why the fuck is he calling her out of her name? I leave him to guard her for one fucking day and he is smitten by her. Well, he won't be calling her anything for a while after I've finished with him.

- I'm okay, I've endured much worse than this. You need to go, I will be fine, I will try and hold him off for a bit until you have left the grounds." Alessio said, his voice was tight in pain. Weak.

Hmm, so that's how he's playing it. I will have to give it to him, playing the Hero is quite an impressive role. But, that's where it ends. Impressive. You see movies made these days make sure that Hero always wins. Fiction. When in reality they hardly ever do, the Villain wins. Non- Fiction.

The Villain is always one step ahead, they hold all of the power. Not the Heroes, they are too busy upholding a perfect reputation that they let their guards down and allow the villains to discover their weaknesses. It's pitiful really. The Heroes are always blinded by reality. And that is that not everyone can be saved. People die in battles of the war. Innocents die.

The Heroes are outnumbered by not numbers, but by power. Power initiated by fear. Fear. Humans biggest weakness. Their biggest downfall is their fear for losing their loved ones, they will submit to any man or woman that threatens their family. Whether they are visually strong, built, slender, tall, small, moreover. It doesn't make a difference. Find their weakness. Power. Control. It's all yours. It's all mine.

I camouflaged myself into the shadows of the darkroom, silently observing from afar. One of my legs were propped up against the wall, my arms crossed overlapping the other. My eyes were narrowed into slits, showcasing my hostility towards their proximity.

However, they were still within my grasp if I decided to act. Alessio's face was contorted into one of anguish, his eyes wide in fear. It brought me immense satisfaction knowing that I had inflicted that upon him. I could even go as far as to say that my mouth curved up at the smirk in snideness.

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