Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀᴛʀᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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Life will let you get away with something for a while, but sooner or later, you will pay the price. Everything you do in life causes the effects that you experience. When you get the bill, be prepared to pay. ~ Iyanla Vanzant


Past (3 years ago).

Coldwater aggressively awoke me from my unconscious state. My eyes snapped open in shock and panic. He was stood above me like an almighty king, with that irritating smirk etched onto his face. However, apart from the smirk, the rest of his face remained impassive and calculated. Leading me to wonder what he was planning.

He stepped forward and brushed the strand of hair that had become loose from my ponytail away from my face. His fingers lightly grazed the flesh of my cheek, causing me to lean back in my seat, to avoid his vile touch. His palm was rough and scratchy and with every touch, it felt as if he was polluting and contaminating me.

I realise that my wrists and legs were bound to an old wooden chair, I could feel the sharp splinters digging into my bare back from where it had worn down. Bareback? What the fuck?

Looking down, I noticed that my clothes from earlier were missing and now I was only adorning my underwear. I felt nauseous suddenly, he is such a pervert.

"Ahh Leonessa, you have finally awoken. I must say, you don't look too good today. Your face, for instance, it's a bit colourful." He mocked, grinning my way, his eyes lit up in mischief.

His dress shirts sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his knuckles were scattered in abrasions. Giving me the impression that he had hit something. I wonder what? My fucking face.

"Well, I wonder whose fault that is? Got any ideas?" I mocked back at him, my tone flat.

I felt uncomfortable under his burning gaze, I felt so exposed and vulnerable, showcased to his naked eye. His eyes were observing my exposed state, scanning up and down my figure with no shame.

Ignoring my direct question, he went on to moan and complain.

"How many times must I have to tie you up and punish you until you learn to obey me? I feel like this is an ever-going cycle that doesn't seem to end. It is beginning to become tiring, I mean don't get me wrong, I love a chase. But, this is extreme now, so just give it up." His posture and expression displayed impatience.

"What? Can you not handle me? Are you giving up that soon? How sad? I guess you aren't as 'hard' as everybody assumes." I continued to mock, winding him up. If you looked close enough at him, I was sure that you could see steam coming out of his ears.

"Oh, I am hard in a lot of places, Leonessa. Why don't you come and explore? It's been too long since we were intimate. Don't you agree?" He gritted out, his expression clouding over, but his voice held suggestiveness.

I could feel my lip curl back in disgust at his perverted vocabulary.

"Go get it from someone else, because you are not getting shit from me." I spat, whilst squirming uncomfortably around in the chair that I was forced into.

The chair that I was restrained in was in a state of dilapidation, obviously displaying that it had been usednumerous times before. Probably on other individuals, I am guessing to torture them. The thought sickens me.

"You are beginning to fucking piss me off." He growled, storming forward and backhanding me across the face.

My face snapped to the side, due to the impact and I felt the searing pain in my mouth. I could taste the copper aroma of the blood, it made me gag involuntarily.

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