ᴄɪɴQᴜᴇ : ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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"Sometimes all you need is someone willing to give you a chance to prove that you are worth it." ~ Edna


(Past 3 years ago)

A knock on the door awoke me from my slumber.

Warily I said, "Come in."

The same woman- which I still am not aware of's name- as yesterday stepped into the room.

Still wearing the same placid expression as the previous day, she stated,

"Mr Morelli informed me to tell you that he will be away for two days, due to a business matter he has to attend to. You are allowed to explore the grounds, however there are two specific rules that you must follow.

1. You are not allowed to leave the grounds under any circumstances.

2. You are forbidden from entering Mr. Morelli's office and bedroom headquarters. Do you understand? Those rules are critical if you break them not only you are going to suffer severe consequences. The staff, including myself, will suffer as well. So, I ask you now to please follow those rules and prevent punishment for both of us. I can promise you, they will not be enjoyable."

Who does she think she is? Reprimanding me like I am a child. I'm nineteen for God's sake, not four. Jesus Christ. I thought, bitterly.

"Mrs Morelli." She said, breaking me away from my thoughts.

Mrs what now. I thought repulsed.

"I think you are mistaken my correct title is Miss. Capo, not Mrs Morelli." I said, cringing.

"You are to be his wife, am I not correct." She stated, smugly.

She's enjoying this. I thought.

"Technically, I never agreed to be his associate, never mind his wife." I sassed back, annoyed by her attitude.

"You can call me Chloe, I'm a maid here. The head maid is Edna, an old bitch that doesn't know what she's doing if you ask me. - I didn't ask you though. I thought.

-Take a shower, then come down for breakfast. To discover the kitchen, turn left when leaving this room and walk along the corridor. You will see a large staircase, walk down those, turn right. Continue to walk down that corridor and then finally take another right." She said, dropping the previous subject. Her tone was uninterested and bored, obviously she didn't want to be here.

Before turning to the door and leaving she made sure to remind me of the rules.

I don't like her. I instantly thought, when she left the room.


Scorching hot water pelted down on my head. Closing my eyes, I thought. So, he's gone for two days, has he? The cheek of him to abduct me, then leave. I thought, annoyed with his audacity.

This gives me the perfect chance to escape. He isn't here; however, this place is like Faux Knox, with the number of armoured guards surrounding the facility. Ironic really, it's a prison and I am imprisoned. However, I've not committed any crime, I'm a victim to it. I thought, bitterly.

Stepping out of the shower, I grab a towel and quickly dry myself off. Happy I shaved my legs, I applied a heavenly scented lotion. Strawberries. They are by far my favourite fruit, along with watermelons.

Heading out of the restroom and into the closet, I chose an outfit consisting of a plain white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and some black boots.

That will do. I thought, content with my outfit.

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