Qᴜᴀᴛᴛʀᴏ : ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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'I want a marriage where I am immersed in love and people look at you and say, "You can tell God put them together." But, as my mother always told me, "You can't always get what you want." ~ Valentinia Capo.


Past (3 years ago)

I could feel my whole face drain of its colour.

Wife! Ha, there is no way in hell that I am going tobe married to this egotistical bastard! I thought.

"I would rather be asphyxiated of air than become the wife or shall I say 'slave' to you!" I voiced my thoughts, repulsed by his sudden announcement.

"Leonessa, it's amusing how you think you have a choice." He replied, his voice smothered in cockiness.

"Ha, well I continue to find it amusing how you still think you can dictate what I can and cannot do." I sarcastically replied.

Chuckling, he stepped closer until I was backed up against the wall and his hot breath was fanning my ear.

"Just because you are to be my wife, don't think for a second that I won't put you in your place for disrespecting me. So, I dare you to continue displaying your disrespect towards me and see what will happen. You. Will. Not. Disrespect. Me. Especially in my own house. Do. You. Understand. Me. Valentinia?" He whispered darkly, in my ear.

Shakily, I rapidly nodded my head.

"Brava Ragazza." He replied, content with my answer.

"W-What does that mean?" I asked, nervously chewing my lip.

"Good Girl". He replied, condescendingly.

I slowly nodded my head, surprised he answered my question.

He raised his hand and I immediately flinched back, but it didn't affect him in the slightest as his hand tugged my lip from in the grasp of my tooth.

"Do not bite your lip." He commanded, his voice drenched in desire. Dropping in octaves.

"Now sit." Repeating what he said the first time I stepped into the room.

Complying to his demand, I cautiously sat in the plush chair, aligned perfectly in front of his immaculate desk. Now being able to take in the full extent of his office, I noticed how modern and expensive it appeared. From the floor-length windows, allowing you to see how beautiful New York City is. To the extravagantly, large glass table centred in the epicentre of the room. The interior was impeccably designed to accustom the grand room, with the black, grey and white theme. In- turn, giving it a clean, sophisticated and pecunious appearance. However, it also gave off an almost dark and intimidating aura, representing the man who occupies it.

"Valentinia. Valen-

"What" I said.

"One. Never cut me off. Ever. Two. I've been calling you for the last three minutes, have you never been told that it is rude to ignore people?" He asked annoyed, rolling his eyes.

"One. You cut me off before, so why don't the same rules apply to you? Two. I was spaced out, so technically I wasn't ignoring you." I replied imitating him.

"I'm the boss, therefore no rules apply to me. Also, I have constantly warned you about your constant disrespect towards me. Do you want to be punished, Valentinia?" He said irritated, his jaw clenching.

"Well that's hardly fair, is it? One rule for me another one for you." I said, equally irritated.

"That's it." He said frustrated, standing up.

"What's it?" I replied, genuinely confused.

Taking long strides in my direction, he captured my wrists in his.

"I am going to show you what happens to people who disrespect me." He said, his nails digging into the soft flesh of my wrists. In- turn, causing me to gasp in pain.

"I would hardly define that as disrespect Mr Morelli, I was just voicing my opinion." I argued, emphasising 'Mr. Morelli'.

Tightening his hold on my wrists he said,

"I am going to enjoy punishing you, Bambina." He stated, coldly.

Wincing at his hold on my wrists I ask shakily, "P-Punishing me?"

"Yes. I warned you multiple times Valentinia. However, you continue to disrespect me and ignore me. I am in control. I. Control. You. You listen to me, and if you don't, you get punished. That's my rules. You chose not to comply with my rules, therefore now I am going to punish you and I can assure both you and I are going to enjoy it." He replied, enthusiastically.

"You, you can't p-punish me, I am not a child. You are not my dad." I replied, again scared.

"I think you find that I can punish you my sweet Valentinia. I own you. You brought this on yourself, I warned you. It's your fault" He said confidently.

"I will not allow you to punish me." I stated sternly.

"How are you going to stop me, baby?" He questioned, amused.

Not allowing me to reply he continues, "Hit me? Get someone to help you? Oh, what was that? You don't have anyone here. I am the only one you know of here because I brought you here." His smirk was as sharp as a blade.

"Yeah. How can I forget that you kidnapped me, took me away from my family and friends."? I replied, angrily.

"Leonessa, I took what was rightfully mine, you are deluded to think I kidnapped you. You are going to be my wife, I have the right to take you." He replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and that as if what he was doing wasn't wrong. This man must truly believe that he is above the law.

"You're the deluded one in this situation to think that I am going to marry you. I am going to marry the man I love, not a fucking Mafia Boss. A monster." I said, disgusted.

"Well, that's too bad, because you got me. A Mafia Boss. A monster." He imitated my words.

A sharp noise of a ringtone invaded the room before I could voice my reply.

"Go to your room. We will finish this discussion later. You are dismissed." He ordered me, with a 'don't you dare argue look'.

Huffing. I stomped towards the door, muttering under my breath sarcastically, "You are dismissed, my arse. What does he think I am? A dog. Idiot."

"Oh, and Valentinia- holding his phone away from his ear- I prefer daddy." He states, seriously, yet amused by his words.

Astounded by his ability to change from seriously cold to crude in the space of 10 seconds. Bipolar prick. I stomp out of the room, making sure that I slam the door, so that the bang echoes throughout the ridiculously large mansion.


Laying on the bed in the room I was situated in, I tiredly contemplated all of my thoughts since I was thrown into this situation.

What the hell have I gotten myself into? Why does it have to be me that has to marry one of the world's most dangerously notorious Mafia Bosses'? Why me? What did I do to deserve this fate? I have always been a 'good girl', well as good as I could have been. What? I ain't no saint, no one is. They are liars if they say they are. I need to find a way to avoid this marriage, there is NO way I am going to marry Valentin Morelli.

Yawning, I snuggle into the comforter I was provided with before closing my eyes and welcoming the darkness willingly.

Translations :.

                            Bambina:. Baby

                            Leonessa :. Lioness

Word Count :. 1256

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