ɴᴏᴠᴇ : ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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Those with an evil heart seem to have a talent for destroying anything beautiful which is about to bloom. ~ Cynthia Rylant.


Past (3 years ago).

Finally, the tense atmosphere was relieved when we came to a halt outside of a grand hotel.

'Il Palazzo D'oro'. Definitely Italian. I confirmed.

Mr Morelli once again held his hand out for me to take. Almost instantly I grasped it, intimidated by a large number of individuals gathered around it with their camera's flashing.

"Keep close to me, the paparazzi don't show respect. Even to me, well unless I deal with them personally that is. They look for what they want, see it and take it. Not caring who that person is, even if it was to potentially ruin that person's life." Mr Morelli said.

"That sounds strangely familiar to what you are doing to me. Am I not correct?" I said, smartly.

"Don't get smart with me now Leonessa, especially if others are present. You would dread to see what I would do to you if you were to embarrass me in front of them. Do you hear me?" He warned.

Deciding to ignore his threats I dropped his hand from mine, due to his loose hold. Walking ahead of him I say sassily,

"Are you coming, or are you just going to stand there all evening?"

Marching towards me with a stoic look on his face he grabbed my forearm whispered menacingly in my ear,

"Strike one, Orsetto. I'll give you three tonight as you've got three rules to abide by. You've got two strikes remaining. - Well, that's hardly fair, I wasn't even informed that I only had three chances. I thought, sulkily.

- I'll make you aware of the rules once we are inside, seated."

"Whatever." I said, stubbornly.

Looping his arm around my slim waist, he walks a step-in front to represent the dominance he holds over me. Overbearing, misogynistic prick.

The camera's flash brightly in mine and Mr Morelli's faces. He remained motionless as he continues to drag me through the claustrophobic crowd of photographer's. They barked questions at us, demanding answers.

"Is this woman another one of your conquests, Mr Morelli or is she something more?" One demanded.

"Is she your fiancé?" Another one questioned.

"Is she another whore of yours's?" Bitch please, I'm not even here willingly and besides I'm a virgin. I thought.

"She is a very beautiful woman, what's your name?" Another man questioned, but it was directed towards me this time.

Before I could answer, he barked possessively at the man.

"That's none of your concern, you will find out shortly. All you need to know is that she is my wife, therefore you will not speak of her with such vulgar language. That goes for all of you. Do you understand?"

With his face drained of colour, he shakily replied,

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now get the fuck out of my sight and if I see you so much as glance at my woman again I will gouge your eyeballs out of your skull. Are we clear?"

Petrified, he furiously nodded.

Mr Morelli, satisfied with the man's obvious fear of him finishes dragging me inside of the grand building.

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