ᴠᴇɴᴛɪᴄɪɴQᴜᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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A successful King always needs his Queen to accomplish the world. ~ Unknown.


Past (3 years ago).

We stand there, just staring at one another. Him glaring daggers, me expressionless. I'm not regretful of what I have just told him. It was the truth, the cold, hard truth. He needed to hear it, to understand that he is just like his father. He needs to face reality, instead of hiding behind that cold exterior of his. He needs to know that he doesn't get to own me or my heart.

He is a monster. I don't care how he feels towards me, whether it is love or hate. I will never return any of those feelings, not because he doesn't deserve them, but because I will never allow myself to love a man like him.

"I am nothing like my father." He growled in my face.

"You are in- denial, you can't see what is right in front of you. Look in the mirror, Mr Morelli. You will soon see it, you are a greedy and selfish man. Just. Like. You're. Father." I spoke, slowly.


My head snapped to the right. Ha! I knew he couldn't change. I thought, bitterly.

"I dare you to fucking say that again, Valentinia. I fucking dare you. See what will happen." He threatened, his eyes turning onyx. I could visibly see his hands clenching and unclenching by his sides.

"See this is what I mean! I knew you couldn't change, you will always be the same abusive, cruel and sadistic man. Always! No woman, mother, or anything will be able to help you. You are lost and lonely. You have no one because you have pushed everybody that has ever cared about you away. You still are now with Edna. You are so selfish." I said, disgusted. Stepping backwards, away from him. I don't want to be anyway near him, he appals me.

"You are blinded by your wealth and power, you don't care about anything or anyone else. You would be lost without it. You just told me what your father is as a person. To me, it sounded like you were just describing yourself. I'm not going to pity you if that's what you are looking for, just because you lost your mother.

I never had a mother, or a father and I didn't turn out the same way as you did. Losing your mother is no excuse for the man you have created yourself to be. Even though I am sorry that you had to experience that, nobody should have to. But, it's the way of life, people die, people suffer. I told myself that I was strong and that I was my person, that I didn't need to prove anything to anybody else or live up to any bodies expectations." I continued.

"You think that I am not strong, that I have not lived up to any bodies expectations?" He replied, defensively. Closing in on me.

"You have, your father's." I Insisted, looking straight into his clouded eyes.

"I'm fuck all like my father, he disgusts me. I care and protect my woman, he left my mother and me to suffer and then she finally died. All. Because. Of. Him." He sneered, his mace morphed into one rage.

"You call this 'caring' after and 'protecting' your woman." I said lifting my shirt, showcasing his dressed 'brand' on my ribs and turning around to show him my back, welted in marks.

"Those are rightful punishments. What? Do you think that I will let you get away with disobeying me and flirting with another man? I don't think so. You will be punished when you do wrong. That is how it is, how it will always be. I am caring for and protecting you by setting you my rules and expectations. If you don't obey them or live up to them, then you will be punished. Always expect that.

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