ᴄɪɴQᴜᴀɴᴛᴀ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

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I have been fighting since I was a child, I am not a survivor, I am a warrior. ~ Unknown.

Valentin (14 years old):.

Past (10 years ago).

The punching bag was violently vibrating under every forceful slam that my fist delivered upon it. My hair stuck to my forehead as sweat made vast trails down my face and back. My slim muscles were slowly beginning to mature over the last few months of my training, I was quickly gaining strength. Becoming stronger and stronger.

"Come on boy, put more vigour into your blows. You will hardly take down a small girl with those pathetic jabs that you are performing. You are weak! No boy of mine will be weak! How do you expect to lead this organisation if you can't even defend yourself? You will not disappoint me, will you boy?" The man who held the title of my father shouted from behind me, whilst slapping my head upright.

"Fuck off!" I growled, increasing the momentum of my strikes so that my fists were now pummeling into the bag, imagining my father's face was my bullseye.

Grabbing the back of my neck, he sneered.

"You. Will. Not. Disappoint. Me. Will. You. Boy?" He pronounced his words slowly, he did this frequently whenever I defied him or his orders.

My teeth gritted in hatred, I could feel my temper bordering on the edges of fury and insanity. I hate fucking abiding by his orders, I despise people telling me what to do and thinking that they can get away with it. If anybody else even dared speak to me with such disrespect they would be dead within a heartbeat.

But, unfortunately, I have to bare enduring his orders he hands me over the Mafia and then I can do whatever the fuck I want. Mould the world into what I want it to be, it won't be the pitiful excuse of a corporation that he has now. It will be what a sane person would describe as evil; a curse.

I don't want to take over or rule the world, I want to mean something to people. To alter the worlds reviews and make people see the cruel and horrifying truth that world and the powerful people within it try to conceal.

I, Valentin Morelli will bring an apocalypse, in which will be unremarkably unforgettable and will leave nothing but despair and fear in its path. The mere mention of my name will leave people trembling in horror.

Vincenzo Morelli will be nothing but a man that I once knew of, a forgotten memory in my past. His men will become mine, he will no longer hold any title of importance. Irrelevant.

His nails were digging into the back of neck, burrowing into the flesh. Similar to mine which was currently sinking into the palm of my hands. I didn't want to submit, but I knew that I had to to achieve what I want.

"No, Sir." I spat out, my temper was on the verge of spiralling out of control.

I wanted to turn around a snap every one of his fingers in half, for laying his hand upon me. I wanted to twist his neck around until it detached from his greying head. My body was nearly as brawny as his, the veins in my arms were becoming more and more prominent every time that they were strained.

"Good. Now show me your defence mechanisms, I want to see how you have improved. You need to be able to block your foes if they attack. Alberto come here!" He demanded, the permanent creases in his forehead darkening in contrast to his complexion.

Alberto came marching over, an emotionless expression adorning his face. Like an obeying fucking dog. I thought distastefully, whilst rolling my eyes at the pathetic excuse of a boy.

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