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A bell dinged as you walked through the door your nose being hit by the sweet mix of bitter and beautiful. You could hear your heels against the wooden floor with the occasional shuffle of paper near you. A familiar face greeted you with a smile, a woman about in her 60's. She looked at you and said

''Normal as always?'' You nodded in response going to sit down in your favorite seat. A wonderful corner couch with flannel cushions. You placed your bag next to you pulling out a mac laptop and opening up notes to continue writing a song that you needed to publish. You lowered your dust mask.

You sighed and looked at the blank page on the screen. Lyric block, you put your hands on your forehead and sighed. It happens to the best of us right?


                                                                                      Y/N's OOTD

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You tried to make some sort of idea happen.For a song you were writing but all that came out were cheesy lines and predictive ones...Nononoooooooo... You shook your head

You sighed letting your back rest on the wooden back. Your head shot up when you saw the coffee on the counter. Yes yes! That's mine a tall Caramel Macchiato wit--. You were about to stand up until she said;

''Order for Kim Seokjin!''

You looked at them. You opened your eyes wider.Brown hair; symmetrical face beautiful eyes...ANYWAYS how dare he steal my coffee order!! He looked at me and smiled pushing up his glasses while passing me and then returning to his own seat sitting down with his drink. You quickly averted my eyes to stop any awkward stares. Isn't he an idol too?

https://twitter.com/mareot7/status/984926881957994497?s=12 There we go for the fancy boi

You finally got your order.The feel of the steam going in your face before you take a sip of the coffee was amazing. You'd never known anymore aesthetic feeling other than that. You blew the steam away taking a sip-

''Aiiiishhh!'' You shouted, not loud enough so people could hear but people close by could. (Get what I mean?). The boy shot his head up from his book looking at you with worry. You placed the coffee down and put your hands over your mouth.

''E-excuse me are you okay?'' He got up from his seat then sat back down out of embarrassment.

''Ahh yes sorry for being so loud.'' You bowed apologetically ''I just burnt my tongue that's all.'' You smiled.

"You need any napkins?" He already got up.

"N-" You tried to respond; him already going over to get some napkins. "Thanks for the napkins." You smiled back. He returned to his seat.

You dabbed the corner of my mouth with one of the napkins. Returning back to my lyric block.

After you took the last sip of your coffee you frowned. You checked your brown leather watch. You nearly choked 15:00! Holy shit I'm going to be late!! You hurriedly packed your bag. Rushing out the door.

Kim Seokjins POV:

I saw her run out the door.I looked at her seat I saw she dropped something I got up and tried to yell but she was already gone. I went over to her seat to see a teardrop-shaped pendum. I picked it up and put it in my jacket pocket. Gosh I hope I see her again. It looks important, and she was cute anyway. I smiled to myself.


Lol couldn't think of anything else so I guess that's it for this chapter

Hope you enjoyed


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