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Y/M/N = Your manager's name

Yoongi's POV

Jungkook stood up and walked over to Y/N,

"I know It may sound weird but can I have your autograph?" He smiled. Y/N grabbed a pen from the desk and did her signature which was y/n on a tilt and then a little flower.

"Wahh I haven't signed something in a while." She put the pen down next to her. Jungkook bowed and walked out.

"How far did we get?" She pulled out the chair and sat down in it.

"Quite far," I put my hands over her shoulder from behind. Clicking play.

"All we need to do now is sing the rest of the lyrics," I paused. "Then we can ask Y/M/N to publish it for us.

She nodded, "Have we got the rest of the lyrics?". I handed her the sheet, seeing her hickey again. I looked away, she scanned the sheet. I looked down at the table. I sat down.

"You need to be more careful with your boyfriend," I said.

She looked at me with a confused expression, I pointed at my collarbone. I looked back down; There was silence. Then I heard soft sniffles.

I looked up and saw Y/N crying my eyes went wide

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I looked up and saw Y/N crying my eyes went wide.

"Wahh! Why you crying?!" I quickly stood up.

"I don't have a boyfriend..." She wiped a tear.

"HAA? What do you mean?!" I put my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"W-wait so how?" I sat down, my hands still on her shoulders.

She unlocked her phone and scrolled.

She unlocked her phone and scrolled

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She burst out crying and coughing. I pulled her into a tight hug. (Jin posted the tweet and didn't tell any other members)

I patted her back, "I-I'm sorry..." I shook. "I didn't know Y/N... I'm so sorry..."

She pulled away, I wiped her cheek. 

"I'm- *HICKUP* okay now." She did a small laugh... "J- *HICKUP* ust the fright of *HICKUP* it."

"I'll go get you a cup of water." I walked over to the sink in the kitchen.

"Everything okay in there?" Jin towered over me.

"Yeah, we're all good," I replied.

"Have you eaten the pot noodles yet?" Jin asked.

"Huh, when did you put them down?" I asked.

"When you guys were ''asleep''" He used speech marks with his fingers. I blushed, I knew exactly what he meant. I grabbed the cup of water that I was filling and turned the tap off. I grabbed some ice and put it in the cup. I opened the door to the studio.

"There we go." I passed her the cup.

"Thanks, oppa." She smiled. I blushed when she used the word oppa.

"We haveee," I checked the lyric sheet. "Two more verses to do you ready?" She nodded.

She went into the recording studio and put on the headphones. I pressed record and play.

After we had finished we had a feat in the dorm with the boys to celebrate. It looked a bit weird just one girl and 7 boys but we all knew Y/N as an artist or a friend anyways.

"Waah cheers to Yoongi and Y/N!" Namjoon lifted his glass.

"Let's hear it!" Hobi exclaimed. Jin was quietly sitting on the sofa. Sipping his drink. I got my phone and pressed Bluetooth connecting it to the speakers.

All of us were dancing, but not Jin... Once the song stopped Jungkook said.

"Haah Hyung why you not dancing?" He pointed.

"I don't feel well... I'll be leaving first." He lied, he didn't like how close me and Y/N were. I could tell.


You slurred your words and tumbled into Jins room. You were able to push the door open.

"YaaaAAaahhh, JIN hYuNG Why DiD you lEAvvvvvEeEEe!!" You pointed at him.

"H-hyung?" Jin responded.

"aYaHhhHs SHSUuShH!! You LEFT foR NooO ReASsssOOoonn." You waved your finger around. Moving closer to his bed.

"I cAn TELl yoU'Re noT SiccCCkkk WHYyy aRee YOuuuu Sooooooooooooo mEaaaannnn." You frowned. You tripped onto his bed. Falling onto him, his back was against the bed and you were on top of him. You hiccuped, your faces were close.

Jins POV 

She barged into my room. Yelling at me for no reason, she's drunk... i thought. All was going fine until she flew onto my bed. All I could stare at was her lips. She started moving closer, her breath smelt like soju. My mind quickly registered what was happening, I tried to move but she was stronger than I thought. She stared into my eyes and finally her soft wet lips hit mine, moving around with each other she held my jaw as I felt her nose press onto my cheek.

 She stared into my eyes and finally her soft wet lips hit mine, moving around with each other she held my jaw as I felt her nose press onto my cheek

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She got up and started to walk out she stumbled out. My eyes were huge and I was blushing in shock.

"What just happened..."

(A/N: I'm sorry these are so long do you mind the length?)

caramel macchiato ⇢ ksj | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now