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(Don't listen to spring day until I tell you too :C or ull hurt my feelings :CC)

Jins POV

She showed a slight smile of relief.

"I really hope it does." She smiled.

I took my hands off hers. A bell dinged turning both of our attention to the door nobody normally comes in at this time, a girl with big eyes faced towards us.

"Y/SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!" She screamed turning everyone attention. My eyes went wide. How'd she scream that loud?!


"A-ah yes?" She stuttered.

"OmG I LIkE loVe YoU You'RE my IDoL!! pLEAsE sIGN THisSSS!!!" She bowed and handed her a notebook.

Y/N took it and smiled taking a pen from a pot next to her and writing her signature.

"I can't wait to hear your new song!!" She gidded around.

"Ahh that's great! Thank you for supporting me!" Y/N had a big smile on her face.

"Also are you and Yoongi really a thing?" She said.

Making Y/n's face turn upsidown.

"Ahh, I need to get going now sorry." Y/N said trying to get out of the situation.

She walked out of the coffee shop grabbing her bag. I quickly got up and went after her. I ran towards her. Lowering my cap and my dust mask

"Where are you going now?" I said walking next to her.

"Training." She said in quite an angry voice.

I stopped in my tracks for a second and sped up with her.

"For the bbmas?" She said in quite a stern voice.

"Ahh, want me to come along?" I said.

"Yeah but pretend to be my bodyguard walking into the studio," She said looking at me.

I nodded. "You train this late?" I added.

She looked at me and said, "I gotta do what I gotta do, that's why my boss was mad when I was drunk and passed out on Yoongi last night." She covered her mouth.

"O-oh it's okay I already saw it." I blushed remembering the sight of her bra.

"Hurry I'm gonna be late." She said speeding up a bit more.

I felt a drop of rain on my hand. It suddenly got a lot heavier the sky crackling above us. Y/N looked up in dead worry. I quickly rested my bag against my knee grabbing a pocket-sized umbrella I had in my backpack. I covered myself and then grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her under the umbrella. She smiled at me wrapping her arm around mine. Running at this point we ducked into the studio and took a deep sigh. I lowered my umbrella leaving it at the door.

"Thank you," She said shaking off her hair.

She walked up the stairs leading me to follow her. She got the key to her dorm and led me through.

"Wait I've got to change stay out here for a second." She said running into her room.

Y/Ns Outfit

She came out a few minutes later, checking her phone for the time

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She came out a few minutes later, checking her phone for the time.

"C'mon Jin," She patted my shoulder.

We walked down to the studio. She put her hair up in a bun.

She opened her door to the JYP dance room,

"It's not probably like one of your practices because my dance coach doesn't come at night. I normally just dance by myself in the mirror." She did a small laugh. Turning around to face me walking backward.

"I know a bit of spring day, wanna dance with me?" She looked at me smiling.

"Yeah sure,  " I replied. 

Y/N went over to her phone and connected it to the speakers she flicked through her phone and finally found it she pressed play. She ran to her starting place.

The opening notes played. (Listen nowwwwww)

I simply got taken over emotions when the song started. Air flying past my air on the turns. My heel started to have a burning sensation but I put it off.

maybe it's just a blister. I thought

It wasn't until I heard a loud crack during a lift I noticed something was wrong.

I stumbled a bit on the way back up; my weight pressing the pain on and on some tears started to form in my eyes

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I stumbled a bit on the way back up; my weight pressing the pain on and on some tears started to form in my eyes. I wanted to keep dancing, I don't want to worry Y/N, there were only 2 minutes (and two seconds but we don't need to know that)left so I just carried on. The pressure on my tendon was insane, I winced at every move. The end of the dance came a heaviness came onto me and I fell to the floor.

"YAHH JIinₙ ₒₚₚₐ₋" A worried voice faded out. All my mind could focus on was the burning pain in my heel (tendon).


You noticed Jin stumble a bit during the dance, quite a lot actually, which was normal for all dancers now and again. Something was off though. His expression seemed pained in a way, you put it off until the end of the dance. We ended in our final positions and you heard a big thud next to you. There was Jin lying there on his back facing towards the ceiling. His scrunched face holding his heel.

  "YAHH JIN OPPA!" You ran over to his side.

--- I'll admit i got very sidetracked writing this as I got interested in split tendons tbh I ended up looking at split open tendons and nearly made my friend puke :)

caramel macchiato ⇢ ksj | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now