Your history with the BTS members.

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Jin : 

Met at the coffee shop, have stayed in touch and became close friends since then. Hang out a lot at the cafe and boba shop nearby.

Fondest memory:  Shopping with him and buying a bunch of clothes.

Worst memory: Seeing him in pain.

Yoongi :

Been friends since you debuted, stayed quiet about his idol life. Text and call a lot spending hours on the phone together.

Fondest memory: Creating a song together

Worst memory: Falling out with him

Hoseok :

Been friends since you went to school in Gwangju together (you guys dated in high school). You aren't very close anymore but you still stay in contact. He likes to make jokes about you guys meeting for the first time like. "Wow, it's you from ___ what's your name?" But you just go along with it.

                                                                                               Fondest memory: Plane ride to Seoul  

          Worst memory: Falling out with his family

Namjoon :

Know each other from the idol business. Not much history but are good friends in the present and you often help him cook.

Fondest memory: Teaching him how to cut an onion.

Worst memory: When he had depression

Jimin :

Not very close but you guys do share an interest in music and gossiping. He likes to tease you about how small you are compared to him.

Fondest memory: Him telling you his celebrity crush.

Worst memory: Him nearly getting kicked out of BTS 

Taehyung : 

Met when Yoongi introduced you to him became friends quite fast. You both love video games. Not that close though.

Fondest memory: Beating him for the first time in Mario Kart and showed off to him.

Worst memory: Him seeing you at your worst.

Jungkook : 

He's younger than you but you're close friends, you care for each other a lot. You like to eat ice cream together while watching dramas.

made this so it's easier lmao also i might change the name of this book soon or not tbh depends where this even goes

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