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(time skip a while so jin is leaving hospital ;))

It was the day of Jin's release from the hospital and you decided to walk him out and drive him home.

"Y/N is it time yet?" He asked sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Actually yeah. Have you got your bag ready?"

He nodded grabbing his crutches from the side of his table and standing up.

"Are we taking the lift?" He asked.

"Well yeah, I don't want you to get hurt walking down the stairs." You said standing up from the sofa.

"Thanks for staying with me this time." He paused "It's been nice while you were staying with me.

Your mind wandered off to the time that you kissed.

I wonder why he did that.

Does he have feelings for me?

You sat there and pondered in silence until you spoke up.

"Is your cast going to be off for MAMA?" You asked.

"Ehh yeah I think. Well, it better be anyways. I want to wear a nice suit haha." He said.

You opened the sliding door walking out.

"Freedommmmm!" He said.

You laughed at him.

Your heels clicked on the floor as you walked to the elevator. You pressed the button you both walked in.

The elevator stopped on the 8th floor. A woman came on in a black dress, she was crying. You saw her press all the buttons. Your eyes widened. You pressed the "close door button" Jin looked at you. As to say

"What's she doing?"

You shrugged and stood next to him.

"Miss are you okay?" He said.

"No, my boyfriend and I just broke up." She spoke up.

"Oh sorry- I was just worried." He said apologizing and bowing.

There was an awkward silence in the air until a large group of men came into the elevator chatting and laughing but also pushing Jin right into you. You were faced towards him and you couldn't turn around.

Your arms were pressed up against his abs your head buried into his chest.

He blushed really hard and you did too. He smirked a bit, leaning his neck down and kissing you with no warning.

(You aren't a thing lmao)

You covered your mouth.

"J-jin?" You whispered out.

Nobody noticed you had kissed.

You were able to move out into a spare space in the elevator.

He looked up at the elevator ceiling and smiled. The group of guys got off with the girl. They turned around.

"This was a hidden camera prank haha!" They laughed while the door closed.

Your eyes widened, you blushed none stop. Walking into the corner of the elevator.

Jin was laughing.

"Wahh those actors were good!" He said leaning against the elevator railing.

The door pinged for the last floor, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Namjoon were there.

caramel macchiato ⇢ ksj | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now