
50 4 3


After training, you yawned.

I don't want to sleep alone...

Press Home to unlock


TiredY/N added

XpnsiveNamjoon ,AliV, Suga(R)bear,sissyhope ,cookky, bbchimchim ,Jineomma.


Hay you okay?


Im lonleyyyy----


How about you come over to our hotel room?


Is she even allowed?


Probably *shrug*


Cann III?


Yeah sure


We can play Mario Kart!



We're in room 222.

Sissy hope === Location shared *


You pulled up your google maps and it said 30 minutes walk. You changed your shoes and stood up. Walking out the studio. You put your headphones in, playing your BTS playlist. You tied your dusk mask tighter around your ears. The sun was just rising.

You crossed several streets and roads. Until coming to the hotel. You walked in passing the lounge.


You walked into the elevator. Memories from the hospital rushed back to your head.

Will they find out...

You pressed floor 3 and it started moving. **binnng** You stepped out walking down the corridors.

220 221 222!

You knocked on the door.

"Who iss ittt???" You heard a voice yell from the other side.

"Y/N!" You answered.

Jimin answered inviting you in.

"Wahh this is huge!" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You said looking around.

"You don't expect it do you?" You heard Hobi said from the other side of the room.

You put your bag down shaking your head.

Tae and Jungkook were asleep on the sofa. Namjoon was sitting on a stool with his head on the counter. Jimin and Hobi were standing in front of you. Jin was on his phone playing something. Yoongi wasn't there.

"Where's Yoongi?" You asked

"Probably sleeping in his room." Hobi laughed.

"I'll go check on him." You walked into the room Hobi was pointing at.

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