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You walked out of Jin's room, still drunk, mumbling you lay down on the sofa. Resting your head on Yoongi's lap /( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/. He patted your hair, you yawned.

Namjoons POV

... I swear I saw Y/N walk out of Jin's room. What was she doing? I got up walking over to jins room, I stumbled a bit. He was sitting on the end of the bed head in his hands.

"You okay?" I said patting his back. He looked up at me bright red.

"Wahh what happened too you?"

"Nothing..." Jin said pushing my hand off. I started getting some dirty thoughts.

"She didn't do anything to you." I paused. "Right?"

He looked at me wide eyes and shook his head. I put my hands on his bed and stood up.

"I'm going to go back into the living room, you good?"

He nodded in response. I walked through to see Jimin sleeping on Jungkook. I laughed, my eyes flickered to Yoongi and Y/N. Her head was on his stomach and she was curled up on his lap, and his hand was UP HER SHIRT?! They were both asleep, I blushed looking at her black lacy bra. I quickly looked away. Leaving them be.

/( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjZ5CKKgRXU)

Jin's POV

I got up to get some food from the kitchen ( you have to walk through the living room to get to the kitchen). You stopped in your tracks to see Y/N and Yoongi. My stomach dropped. Will she remember what happened? I looked at his hand up her shirt and got instantly jealous. I quickly walked passed and grabbed a granola bar. Going back to my room.

(sorry for the pov changes)

Yoongi's POV

I woke up to the buzz of a phone, I felt some sort of warmth on me. I opened my eyes seeing a sleeping Y/N on me. I smiled. My eyes traveled down my arm-- My face heated up immediately I slowly removed my hand from under her hoodie. Feeling her hot skin on my hands I gulped. I could feel the muscle of her stomach. My heart was beating so loud I could practically hear it. I saw her move around so I quickly wisked my hand away,

"Aahhhh..." Y/N clutched her forehead.

"Hangover?" I looked down at her.

"Waaaahh, when'd you get here?" She looked at me.

"I don't know all I remember is you crawling on me late last night." I could see the blush under her hair.

"I'll go get some coconut water for you." I smiled. She shuffled off my lap.


You got up to check your phone, you heard it buzzing.

Press Home to unlock


Bear Manager 🐻13:02pm

BearManager :

YAAH! Y/N where are you?!

You're not in your dorm D:<

We need you asap



: CoffeeY/N

Whoops- Sorry Noona I got drunk and stayed over at BTS' dorm

I'll come back ASAP, before you say I know I have training please don't kill me.

BearManager :

Aiishhh- What am I going to do with you!

Anyways hurry training is at 3pm

Your song is gonna be out on radio at 00:00 ish-

Stay safe-

: CoffeeY/N

K thanks Noona I'll be back to my dorm soon.


Yoongi walked over to you,

"Who was that?" He said handing over my coconut water.

"My boss, I got to go." You drank the glass of coconut water.

"Want me to drive you?" Yoongi offered.

"Won't we get swamped by fans?" You got my bag.

"Nahhh, let's just go." He said walking out.

You walked down the stairs with Yoongi. He used his key to open the door leading to a small black car. He got in the side starting the engine. He turned on the radio and we stayed silent the rest of the ride.

He pulled up to the dorms.

"Cya Y/N call me later." He smiled waving me off. You waved back walking into your dorm.

You straight away popped a painkiller and swallowed it with a bottle of water. You went into your room and changed into training clothes

Training outfit

You walked out to the next door dance studio

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You walked out to the next door dance studio.

Your dance teacher walked in,

"You ready Y/N?"

You nodded, she took you through steps of a new dance you needed to learn a dance for a performance you were doing soon. The music started and you nailed every beat even though you were incredibly hung over. After we'd practiced you took a sip of water and somebody popped their head through the door.

"Miss Y/N can you see me please?"

-lol i'm probably gonna do a chapter of just random Instagram posts from y/n and bts because hi

i have about 100 random pictures stored in my laptop so em k lol

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