{bad ending}

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(lmao bad trigger warning abuse, alcoholism, suicide, attempted suicide, drowning, depression, Alzheimer's, self-harm)

Jin had become abusive towards you and your little girls, you would not have expected this from him ever he changed after BTS had disbanded. You normally would go to Yoongi for comfort. He reminded you of what happened with your father and sent you into a depression. You would never let anybody else know what was happening with you and Jin. Always putting on a perfect family act when people asked you about your marriage with him. You weren't happy with him and sooner decided to get a divorce. Jin later died of blood poisoning. 

Yoongi got married to you later on in life, then becoming a stepfather to your little girls. He helped you overcome your depression and got a job as a chef at a five-star restaurant. 

Namjoon got fined a lot for abusing his kids. He was an alcoholic and his life was a downward spiral and slowly everything got worse for him. He attempted suicide 3 times but none of them worked.

Hoseok got married but later divorced as he found out his wife was only using him for his money and was cheating on him with another man. He was badly depressed and later committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. 

Jimin got married but his wife later committed suicide as she was badly ill and no doctors could help her. He never had any kids and became isolated from the rest of the world. 

Taehyung got married but a few years later his wife died of cancer. He got diagnosed with Alzheimer's and slowly couldn't remember anything. He later died from blood loss. His child got sent away to care services.

Jungkook became insane, starving himself. He couldn't think straight his body didn't work with his mind and everything became messed up for him. He was never able to commit suicide but did self-harm many times up his arm.

You and Yoongi felt very sorry for the rest of BTS and your hearts shattered when you heard about their deaths. You guys would regularly go visit their graves and pay respect to the once kind and happy souls that made you feel safe.


lmao sorry i had to make a bad ending the inner cruelty in me needed it tbh

caramel macchiato ⇢ ksj | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now