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You walked over with BTS to your rounded table. Since you were a solo artist they just let you sit on a table with BTS and your manager. You were sitting watching performances with BTS and waiting for your turn to perform, 

"And now for the interval."

"Got to go now guys I gotta perform next wish me luck!!" You said. 

"Bye good luck Y/N!" Namjoon said. 

It was your turn to perform after the interval. You were so nervous. Your stylist was touching up your makeup and covering up a scar that you had over your nose from when you were young. You had 2 makeup artists doing your makeup. You had to stay completely still. You gulped. 

"Go on now. You're ready." One of the stylists said. 

You bowed towards her. "Thank you." 

Your manager walked beside you backstage. "Y/N, good luck!" A sweet fan said holding their camera up. You smiled doing saranghae. You saw her smile. You stood at the side of the stage. 

'and now for Y/N doing her song from her newest album Untitled 2014!'

She walked off and you walked on. Standing in the middle of the stage. Your shoes clicking behind you. You took a big breath.

The intro chords came on and you started to sing.

(pretend Y/N's singing this,)

The music ended and the screams overwhelmed you. You looked into the crowd. Idols were standing up clapping. You saw BTS with bright proud smiles, Jin looking like a mother. You bowed walking off the stage. You walked back to your seat.

Jin stood there and hugged you. "You did so well Y/N." He had a wide smile on his face. 

"Thank you!!" You smiled sitting down at the large table next to BTS.

He held your hand very tightly during the next song. 

"Those were the nominees for the daesang award, we will collect the votes now." 

There was a long silence between the whole crowd. Jin was practically stopping your hand's blood flow. 

"We have collected votes and now for the artist of the year award goes to..."

You could hear your own heartbeat.


You stood up with wide eyes. Jin let go of your hand and hugged you.

What--- WHAT? 

"Me? ME?" You said walking up to the stage. 

You walked up to the mic screams could be heard and fans waving your lightstick. She handed you the trophy.

"SHINES THANK YOU!!!" The screams got louder. You covered your mouth with your hands. Tearing up.

"Thank you, everyone, for making me who I am!! family FRIENDS MY MANAGER EVERYONE THANK YOU SO MUCH!" You started crying. 

"I hope my music will be forever remembered and a part of history. OUR STAGE FOREVER! It's not every day somebody like me from a background like mine gets this far and- and I just want to say that I love you all so much EVERYONE OF YOU" You yelled into the mic. 

You bent over and put your hand over your mouth crying.

You bowed walking off the stage and back to your table with BTS. Still tearing up. BTS stood up around you and had a group hug with you in the middle. You wrapped your arms around Jin and sobbed into his shoulder while still in the middle. He patted your back. He let go and you sat down.

You sat there with still tears going down your face. You occasionally wiping them with your hand.

 Jin put his fingers under your chin and lifted your face up. He used his thumb to wipe a tear from the side of your face. "Don't cry Y/N... You'll make me cry." 

You smiled and sniffled. "T-thanks Jin." You felt your heart quicken up. His face was so close to yours,

I want him to kiss me so bad... But it's wrong...

You sat there staring into each other's eyes. The whole world seemed to slow down.

Yoongi kicked the bottom of the table, scaring us.

"Yoongi what was that for?!" Tae yelled.

Yoongi shrugged. "I wanted to." He was staring Jin down. You could see the tension between the two.

What's up with them?

"Want some snacks guys?" Jimin said. 

You nodded but your manager spoke up. "No Y/N you cant your diet."

You sighed slumping back in your seat. 

"Really, she can't have anything?" Jungkook said with wide eyes. "Not even a little cookie?"

She shook her head. "Nope, sorry. It's strict rules."

Your stomach growled. You grabbed some water and drank it.

"But we don't have to go on that strict of a diet when we have a comeback, so why does Y/N??" Jungkook said. 

"Female body ideals." She replied.

"So what you're saying. You starve Y/N so she's thin?" Yoongi said obviously annoyed. "Do you not remember when the had anorexia? What was that because of the diet?!" 

"No that was me." You said, "Don't get fussed about it though. I've got to sacrifice things to be an idol. It's my normal." 

Yoongi sat back in his chair crossing his arms snickering. "If I was your manager I would never treat you like that. Or anyone like that! JUST FOR FUCKING BODY IDEALS." He yelled. "It's so dumb! Does anybody even care about Y/Ns health?!" 

"Yoongi. Language, calm down." Jin said. "Let her do what she needs to do." 

He sat in a huff. Kind of like a kid, it was adorable. "Yoongi I'm fine, don't worry about me."

He looked at you with pure anger and worry. "But I need to worry." He muttered words under my breath."ᴵ⁻ ᶦ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵒ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ʸ/ⁿ..." 

"Hm, what did you say? It's too loud." You replied.

"I care for everybody so much Y/N." He said with a giant blush on his face. 

Namjoon was sitting there looking at me. "Are you sure you're okay?"  He mouthed.

You put your thumbs up. "I'm fine." You mouthed back.

The night went on like any awards went. BTS got some, Jin crying when he got the awards. In the end, you got 3 awards. 

Artist of the Year

Music video of the year. 

You were so happy to get all these awards. People actually care.

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